The last message

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I don't know what might happen next, I even don't have any idea about where does our relationship stand, will it continue or not, I don't know. All I know is that I loved you and I still do. I don't know anything about the future and I cannot even predict it and the past isn't something to rely upon.
The things between us have complicated a lot, its been almost a fortnight that we haven't talked properly but you have reasons for that too and I understand that . I cannot force you to continue if you don't want to because that truly is your choice. Its you who has to decide what you want and what not. I know about me that I really want to be with you.
When we were together you loved me like no one ever could, maybe the things aren't the same now. Maybe i'm not the same, the one you fall in love with. I was irritating in these past few weeks I know but there are reasons for that too. Maybe you still love me(but this only you know) I always wanted a perfect relationship( the one that never breaks and lasts forever) and for me ours was perfect, you were perfect(you still are) maybe I'm not.
I could feel your love, I enjoyed every moment that we had spent together, you made me feel so much loved and special. You made me smile, you were with me when I was broke, you loved me and sensed my mood, and that was special about you. This is all that made me fall for you and now even the thought about getting apart makes me shiver and hurts me because I never thought we would end up. All these months that we had spent together are the best one of my life and it is all because of you, your presence in my life made it better.
I know the things have now changed but if we want we can get back again. It would take some time I know but if you want we can make things better again. Maybe this time the relationship gets more beautiful and better.
And who doesn't fight in a relationship, there are arguments in every relationship but its just that we should not bring them in between us. We should not complicate them, we should resolve them as soon as possible. We should talk to each other about the differences and tell each other about the problems and complications. Its just some effort that is required from the both side that could make the relationship same as we both wanted. I really do love you(I hope u know) I just want us to be together..


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