Chapter 1

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"Alright, Mum! I'm headin' out to Elenor's!" I yell as I run down the stairs praying to make it to the door before my mum.

"Oh not so fast young lady!" Says my mum as she grabs my arm. I sigh heavily and dramatically, and wait to be interrogated.

"Who else is going to be at the home?" She questions.

"Just her mum and her brother."

"Do you like her brother?"

"Yeah, I guess so. He's a swell kid."


"Yes, mum! He's five!"

"Oh." She replies, crestfallen. I know she doesn't like Elenor, and she'll do whatever she can to prevent me from going over there.

"So do I pass clearance?"

My mum sighs and waves me away.

I dart out the door as soon as I can. I can finally embrace the cold, English air that I adore. I'm wearing a simple sundress despite the bite in the air. The fact I can finally feel the breeze blowing through my hair makes me ecstatic. I really shouldn't get this excited about these things; I mean I'm not trapped at home all the time. I just enjoy being anywhere but home. My mum is an absolute nightmare. She's so overly protective as well, I'm turning 18 in a couple days, and that's when I'll finally be able to move away. I'll be able to do all the things I haven't been able to do. Go to friends houses when I want, go to cafés alone, and even date. Yes, you heard me correctly, date. I'm almost eighteen and my mother has yet allowed me to date. Things may finally change for once in my life. I dart to Elenor's and rap on the door.

She opens the door and envelops me in a warm hug.

"Cynthia! I'm so glad you could make it! How the bloody hell do you get your mum to let you come over?"

"I told 'er that yer brother's five'" I giggle.

"You little sneak!" She teases as she playfully slaps my arm.

She grabs me by the arm and runs up the stairs. She plops down on her bed with an eager and dare I say somewhat mischievous grin on her face.

"Oh God. What have you planned now?" I ask laughing.

"Okay, well you know The Cavern right?"


"Okay. Well my cousin, Elizabeth, has been working there lately and she's been saying that a new band has been playing there. She says that they're really grand."

"What're they called?"

"I'm not too sure. I think they're named after a bug or something like that."

"A bug? How great can they be then?"

"Well I've never heard them, so I can't tell ya much. The thing I can tell you is that she says they are extremely attractive," she says with a wink.

"I'm not THAT shallow," I say laughing.

"Hey I never said anything about you," she replies laughing as well, "but I definitely will keep an eye out. Especially drummers. Oh my god," she says as she pretends to swoon. I laugh and swat her arm.

"Well what are we waiting for then?" I ask jumping off the bed.

"Nothing! Let's go!" She yells and speeds downstairs. I sprint downstairs along with her and out the door. We rush over to The Cavern almost tripping over ourselves in the process when we finally make it inside. I almost lost Elenor in the process of making it through a crowd of crazed teenage girls in order to get to a pair of seats.

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