Chapter 2

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I check my watch to see its about eleven o'clock, and start to fret. My mum will kill me if I get home this late. I divert my path from home to head to Elenor's. My mum DID give me permission to be there, I've stayed the night plenty of times anyways. Boy do I wish I brought a jacket though since there's such a bite in the air that even I am getting uncomfortable. I spot Elenor's house towards the end of the block and quicken my pace.

"Ouch!" I say as I run into a poor, unsuspecting girl as I pass.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" I apologize.

The girl laughs and apologies as well, "No problem at all. It's too dark out to see anyways. I'm Pattie."

"Well, Pattie, nice to meet you. I'm Cynthia," I say as I extend my hand. She accepts the handshake.

"Where are ya headin' anyways? It's awful late," she asks.

"Oh I was out a bit late, and was going to head to a friend's house to stay the night. My mum will kill me if I came home at this hour." I say.

"Oh your mum's overprotective too? Me mum is terrible! I can't even date yet, and I'm almost eighteen! It's mad!" She nearly yells.

"Me neither! My mum can't even handle Elenor," I say nodding towards her home.

"'Ey do ye' wanna stay at my flat for the night so ye' don't have to bug yer' friend this late?" She asks.

"That would be fantastic! Thank you!" I say.

She nods and beckons for me to follow her. It was kind of an uncomfortable walk at first since we had just met, and in order to get to her flat we had to take walk through the shady part of town. I was half expecting to have someone mug us. Thankfully, that didn't happen. We got to her flat quickly enough. She unlocks the door, and steps inside. When she flicks on the light my eyes go directly towards a poster on the wall depicting The Beatles.

"Oh you're a Beatles fan as well?" I ask.

"Course! They're grand! Though I do have a certain liking towards Paul if I do say so meself," she says with a smirk and a slight blush. "Which one do you like?" She asks.

"Oh," I begin to say with a slight laugh, "I haven't known 'im too long, but I have a particular fondness towards that lead guitarist, George. Sweetheart he is."

Her mouth hangs open.

"Wot? Did I say somethin' bad?" I ask.

"No, no. But did ye' just say ye' know George Harrison?" She asks.

"Er, yeah. I know em' all actually. John pushed this knob off of me at at the Cavern while I was with Elenor. Soon enough all the lads came 'round," I explain.

Her mouth gapes open in shock, "Yer' kiddin' me right?" She asks.

I shake me head, "Honest, I swear."

"You've got ter' introduce me!" She shouts excitedly.

"Pattie," I say laughing, "I can't just drag ya' up the Cavern and go, 'here'!"

"Okay, okay," she compromises, "Well, erm, are ye' headin' there tomorrow?"

"Eh, yeah actually. I've got a date with George at seven," I say.

Her jaw continues to hang open, "You've got a date with George Harrison! Oh my god! Bloody hell! You've got a date with George Harrison!" She yells.

"I didn't think it was such a big deal," I laugh.

"Oh no it is! Yer goin' on a date with George Harrison of The Beatles, Cyn! We've gotta get you ready!" She exclaims.

"Pattie!" I laugh, "The date isn't until seven tomorrow night."

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