3. Why I shouldn't be a spy.

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"Blood is thicker than water, but family isn't just about blood. Family is about faith, and loyalty, and who you love. If you don't have those things, I don't care what the blood says. You're not family." 

Song - If You Could See Me Now by The Script


"Hundred," I state and cross my arms defiantly. The man before me surveys me with narrow eyes.

What is his problem? Hundred dollars is more than enough for fetching some files, though I was feeling generous today. Besides, how hard could it possibly be?

Considering that the files are confidential, locked in a weird place at the back of the police department and unsolved, I'd take a guess and say very hard.

I glare at his dumb squinting eyes fiercely. Derrick winces slightly and taking another glimpse of my harsh face, he nods slowly.

"Why do you need those files anyway?" He grumbles, his voice deep.

Prying, now are we? Nice try, buddy.

I smile dangerously.

"That's none of your damn business, Derrick," I chirp blithely and slide the flap of my purse till I hear a faint click.

"Behind the tallest oak tree in Kenney Park." I stride across the parking lot, not even bothering to hear his grunt of affirmation as I hop on the leather seats.

Another thing done.

Drawing my jacket onto my shoulders, I lower my sunglasses on the bridge of my nose. I tilt my head slightly to see the sun dip a little lower and the evening hues splash on the sky above.

Scarlett needed to know.

And she was.

Just, not today.


"Theadora!" A voice bellows from the kitchen- probably sending all the cats and dogs (and animals in general) running away in fright.

Geez, could she scream any louder?

"I'm coming!" I gently close my laptop and double my speed when the smell of freshly baked pizza wafts to me, giving me the extra push I needed.

Food came above everything.

Yes, even the 15-page optional essay on the parties in civil litigation by Mr Brodeur.

Scar then proceeds to pelt me with death threats while cussing at me all the time, of course. Some colourful ones which would have usually made me laugh save for the fact that I was being harassed.

And to think I was going to living with her for another 2 years.

Grumbling at my delightful luck, I trudge into the kitchen only to see Scarlett with her hands on her hips and a frown etched on her usually ravishing features.

"How much time does it take to come here?" she demands, setting the plates on the table. "One second more and I might have dragged your lazy, good for nothing carcass all the way here myself if it came to it." She promises vivaciously and I didn't doubt her for a second.

Grinning, I divide the pizza slices into the plates, "Okay, mom." Scar just glares while I laugh at her ridiculous expression.

Don't get me wrong, if I was someone else, I would definitely be running the other direction. Howbeit, years of living with (putting up) her, I wasn't intimidated the slightest.

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