5. Violence is the weapon of the strong?

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"She didn't just walk on the wild side, she lived there dancing on the streets, setting fire to its sky." —J.Iron Word.

Song ~ Gasoline by Halsey


"In 2003, the Supreme Court heard one of its most important gay rights cases, Lawrence v. Texas. This landmark decision overturned the Court's 1986 decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, which held that states had the right to create and enforce anti-sodomy laws, thus criminalizing homosexual sexual conduct. 

Based on the decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, the state of Texas had the constitutional authority to enforce a law that made some same-sex sexual activities illegal. The Supreme Court held that intimate sexual conduct between consenting adults is a liberty interest protected under the 14th Amendment's Due Pro--"

"Excuse me." A nasal voice interrupts my presentation and I turn to the door in annoyance, to find Aelin there. "Mr Manning has called Theadora Beatrix to his office." She explains to the teacher all while smirking at me evilly.

What did I do now?

I shuffle towards the door but stop when I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. Mrs Bartholet smiles at me and nods her head, "You deserve it, Thea." I manage to smile and not shudder.

What kind of sick teacher tells a student they deserve punishment?

A psychotic one, that's who.

Aelin and I fall in step and walk in silence till we reach a tall oak door. The girl gives me a cool smile and simply walks away in all her glory. I stare at her retreating figure for a few more seconds, trying to figure her out, before swinging the large doorknob open.

Knocking lightly, I peer into the large room. 

"Mr Manning?" I ask and step in when he replies. "Ah, Ms Beatrix! Please, have a seat." He gestures toward the chair in front of his desk.

I settle on the chair and do all but fidget in the seat. He clears his throat and crosses his palms on the table. "So, Ms Beatrix, as you know, we are a very prestigious school for aspiring law students." He stops and lets the words sink in.

Points for the dramatics.

"Scholarships are not offered usually to the students," Mr Manning frowns slightly. "However, we've decided to make an exception. You are a brilliant student with no grades less than A plus and we are grateful to have you here. So, the directors have decided to extend a scholarship covering your entire schooling fee and a few gratuities, if you accept."

I freeze.


My heart pounds loudly and I'm sure that he can hear it.

"You-You're offering me a-a scholarship?" I stutter, uncomprehendingly. A scholarship from Harvard was a great deal. Like a HUGE THING. This would definitely outshine than everything else on my CV.

Holy freaking mother of dolphins.

"Let us know your decision by tomorrow," Nodding, I stumble out of the office, sure that my knees had turned to jelly.

To make sure I hadn't been dreaming through all of the last ten minutes, I dig my nails into my palms and immediately wince. Nope, not sleeping.

No wonder Mrs Bartholet congratulated me.


I am fuming.

If you could call betrayal as anger, then yes. You'd expect your childhood 'bestie' to always have your back, support you and love you no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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