4. Mother of Dragons

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9 August 2017

Car collision kills billionaire Lloyd.

Carin Lloyd, 48-year-old, billionaire was killed later in the night of the 9th of August on a head on collision of his German car, almost 56 miles from Grand River Avenue.

The owner of the famous Lloyd Companies, instantly died from the impact, along with his seventeen-year-old son when their Porsche crashed into a small sedan; which was found empty without any traces of the driver, although the search for his body continues.

The driver must have been going at at least 120 km per hour to send Mr Lloyd's body a few kilometres away from the highway. Doctors predict that he too, wouldn't have survived the crash that sent shards of glass were found as far as 12 miles from the site.

The time of death was given to be approximately 10:21 pm, as the doctor said that the bodies were heavily "battered" and had suffered multiple broken bones, bruises, and broken or damaged spine that likely caused the death, if not by the blood loss.

Léana Austerin got away with a hairline fracture and a few minor cuts and internal bleeding. The daughter, Theadora Lloyd was curled unconsciously by the time help came with an alarming slow pulse of just 20 beats per minute. Seeing that the car had hit on the side where she sat; behind her father, police and doctors alike remark how lucky she is to survive.


"Thea!" Damon complains and I look over at him irritatedly. For the past ten minutes, this lovesick puppy wanted me to tell him a romantic phrase for Scarlett on his date today.

"Damon," I drawl sweetly. "Shut the fuck up and let me do my goddamn work or I swear on my brownie, I'll murder you." Damon raises his hands in self-defense, his eyebrows high. "Geez woman," And goes on to mutter about my violent tendencies and me, getting only an eye roll from me.

I focus my attention on the essay that I had to give in tomorrow. With the research assignment too. And the 20 pages for reading. With the additional homework, I had planned to do.

Yeah, no.

"I'll help you," I state, turning around on my chair, facing a suspicious looking Damon. He shrugs it off and I resist the urge to smile.

Oh, this was going to be so much fun.

"Repeat what I say, exactly how I say it." Damon raises a finger, "What language is it?" He pipes and I nod at him, "One that Scarlett will understand."

I was in so much trouble.


"Dora, help me!" Everyone just seemed to be telling me that.

Surveying the mess of clothes lying on the floor, I grip the wrists of my screaming friend. "Calm the hell down," I say, already bored—and remove a particular strapless dress.

Scarlett gapes at it. "You want me to wear that?" She hollers and I flick the dress at her and cross my arms. "GO."

After waiting for 9 centuries, she comes out looking as happy as Grumpy. The neckline showed nothing yet it still left much to the imagination. The dress hugged her torso and stopped short at her mid thighs. Damon was going to shit his pants.

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