Contrasting Opinions

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It was a sunny Monday morning. Connor and Ava arrived a bit earlier at Med, so they could grab a coffee at the cart.

"The same?" Connor asked Ava, who nodded. "Hello, may I have an espresso and..." he looked at the board uncertain about what to order "And a cappuccino for me, please?"


The coffees were ready in a couple of minutes and, after had taken them, they sat down on a bench.

Connor decided to break the silence "So, I've heard there's a new restaurant in the city. It has opened for a week. Ethan told me he and April had tried it and it's excellent."

"We should go there too then" Ava said a bit coldly.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Connor asked her "It's since this morning that you're acting weird, you're silent and barely look at me."

Ava glanced at him and took a breath before to talk.

"Well, I was waiting for you to tell me, but apparently I'll have to ask."

Connor frowned his eyebrows and waited for her to continue.

"This morning I saw a letter on the kitchen table. I didn't intend to read it, since it was addressed to you, but then I saw the logo of the Mayo Clinic on it and I couldn't resist."

"It's not what you think" Connor said before silence spread around them.

Neither of them talked for what seemed en eternity, then Ava broke the silence.

"You want to leave Med?" She said with a cracked voice, trying to do the best she could to control her emotions.

"Listen" Connor said grabbing her hands "It's true, I've received that offer from the Mayo Clinic, but the reason way I hadn't told you anything, is because I won't take it."

Ava's eyes widened "Are you serious? That'd be a great opportunity for your career."

"I'm not going anywhere. My place is here, with you."

She looked at him and couldn't help but smile. Connor moved closer to her and their lips met in a kiss.

Suddenly their pagers started buzzing. After had looked at them, they stared at each other for a moment, then they rushed in the ED.

Maggie was behind the desk and, as she saw Connor and Ava, she informed them about the situation "There's been a shooting between two rival gangs in Midtown, several civilians involved. They'll arrive here in 8 minutes. We need as much help as possible."

"Copy that."

As Maggie said, 8 minutes later a lot of sirens could be heard and, when the ED doors opened, many paramedics entered carrying the victims.

Connor rushed toward Dawson who was carrying a woman who had been shot in her left shoulder.

"Dr. Rhodes, you're going to Trauma 5."

He glanced at Maggie and gave her a nod, then turned back to Gabby "What do we got?"

"32-year-old female, a bullet had perforated her shoulder, no exit wound, GCS 9, no bleeding."

"Let's transfer her gently on my count. One, two, three." Connor looked at her "Can you tell me your name?"


"Do you know where you are?"

She looked around for a moment, then answered worryingly "In an hospital."

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