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Taniah Janice Moss 😼
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Hoeniah" the boy said and smirked. Damn. Damn. Damn.
"Look I'm just tryna do my job here so can I help you guys or not?" I rolled my eyes and said. "Nah you can't help us HOE" the boy replied. I rolled my eyes and counted to 10 so I won't spazz on this flashlight. "Ayo Darius why you gotta be so disrespectful?" one of his homeboys said.
Oh, say his name is Darius. Darius rolled eyes, licked his lips, and stormed off. Damn, he fine as hell I thought. "I heard that, but nah shawtt we good we gon call you if we need some help" the one with the pretty white smile and waves said. I just smiled and walked to the cash register. Just as I started putting more quarters in the register I hear something hit the floor. I looked up and saw Darius knocking shoes off the wall. My eyes got wide, I dropped the quarters and ran to Darius. "YO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING! YOU TRYNA GET ME FIRED?"I yelled at him. "That's exactly what I'm tryna do" Darius replied and smirked. "TANIAH STOP THROWING SHOES AT ME!" He yelled. I started picking up shoes trying to put them back where they go till I seen some security guards, policemen, and my boss walk in. I instantly froze. "GET YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE NOW TANIAH, YOU 'RE FIRED FORGET FIRED YOU ARE FIED!" my boss yelled. They were among Darius did he wanna press charges and he told them no. The thoughts that are running through my mind is deadly. I wanna see blood. You usually don't see this side of me but if he keep pressing my damn buttons like ima play station controller ima go BALLISTIC. I started turning red and started crying so I just grabbed my stuff stormed out of the mall and made my way home.
I just made him it home. Nobody was here I was glad because I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. All I could think was why. I opened up my lil box that I kept my stash in and grabbed a blunt and a lighter. I connected my phone to my speaker and started play Set It Off by Lil Boosie.
(That will forever be my song😭💯‼️)
I lit my blunt nodding my head to the song. My phone dinged indicating I got a message.
bestbitch'🤞🏽💙 bestfriend you tryna go swimming later ? I got my mama car for the weekend .
I thought it about it. Do I really wanna go ? I decided to go since ion got nothing else to do.
bestfriend💓 yea , just let me know when to get ready &' when you ready to come scoop me , im finna take a nap .
bestbitch'🤞🏽💙  ite i gotchu .
After finishing my blunt , I took a nap.
After napping for a hour or two,  I decided to get up and go get me sum to eat. As I was walking downstairs, I heard the last person voice I ever wanted to hear. My "sister".  Something told me not to go down there but I went anyways. When I got down there, I saw the last two people I wanted to see EVER. My "sister AND my dad".  It all started when.......
"Hmmmmmm" I hummed while playing with my dolls in my bedroom floor I shared with my sister Aliyah.  Aliyah was sleeping in the bed we shared. My father busted in my room. "Taniah come here babygirl, let's play a game" my dad smirked and said.  He yanked me up gripping my wrist, his grip getting tighter by the minute.  "Ow, daddy you're hurting me" I said with a frown on my face. He just picked me up and threw me on the couch. "Now, close your eyes, all you have to do is be quiet"He said smiling at me. I closed my eyes smiling till I felt him yank my shorts and panties down. I started screaming for help. He rammed in me as I screamed for help calling for Aliyah to come help me. She finally came down. She didn't help me tho she watched and laughed. He started slapping and punching me repeatedly because I was screaming and crying. "Now keep your mouth shut about this don't tell no fucking body else I'll kill you." He said with evil in his voice as he took himself out of me and fixed himself. Blood was everywhere. All I could do was cry. I laid there crying from the pain and from unbelief. I eventually passed out.
End of Flashback
I was only 7. I never told a soul about what happened. No matter how bad I wanted to tell someone I just couldn't. It started happening every 2 weeks after that till I was 8. Mama was always working, so she wasn't there she didn't know anything about it. We was struggling so she had to work and work and work just so we could survived. I started getting in trouble a lot acting out all because I was angry and couldn't control my anger. I started anger management when I was 9. I went every week. Of course, I didn't say nothing in there we just sat looking at each other. By the age 12, I was able to control my anger and stopped going to anger management. My sperm donor eventually became strung out on drugs. He was on that hardcore shit, that stuff that takes awhile to bounce back from. My mama eventually found out and made him leave.  Aliyah went with him. She wanted to. She didn't want to stay with us I haven't saw him in 5 years until now. "WTF WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE!"I yelled at my sister and sperm donor. "MAMA WHY ARE THEY HERE?! WHYYYYYYYYY?!" I screamed. "Because Taniah, me and your father have been seeing each other for 3 years now and he wanted to see you."My Mama said with her head down. My heart dropped she's been conversating with them for 3 years. 3 fucking years. I immediately started crying. I went upstairs packed me a bag for the night, grabbed my keys, and stormed out of the house. Where I was going? Anywhere but here is all I know.
Just a little background on Taniah tried to make it longer. Hope y'all liked it ! Vote &' Comment😙

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