Taniah POV I woke up to the smell of bacon. I threw the covers off of me and sat up. I reached over and checked the time to see that it was 7:00 a.m. Church starts at 9:30. I woke up extra early because it takes me forever to get ready. I went to the bathroom that was added on to the guest bedroom I was staying in. I used the restroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I grabbed a pair of black tights out of my suitcase and threw them on. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to see Jaliyah cooking. "Goodmorning babygirl" Liyah said while flipping the last pancake. I said goodmorning back and hugged her. "What you cooking bestieee?" I asked. "I cooked pancakes, cheese omelets, bacon, and I made a fruit salad" she smiled and said. I nodded my head, " Sounds good." I told her. She grabbed us a plate, bowl, and a glass. I fixed my plate, loading it with bacon, and filled my bowl with fruit. I love me some fruit. I set my plate and bowl down and grabbed my glass. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the Bright N' Early apple juice and poured me some and went and poured Liyah some. We sat down and dug right in our food. "Where Mama?" I asked. "She gone on a business trip" she replied. Ms.Hannah is a Management Consultant. She works for different firms that help other businesses to run their business efficiently. She gets paid a good much but she's always gone. She is also a single mother. After finishing up breakfast, we upstairs to Liyah room. We were laying across the bed watching Spongebob. It was the episode where Spongebob lost Gary. I was all up in the show when my phone started to ring. I picked it up and seen a weird number. I answered it. "Hello, who's this?" I asked. "It's Darius ma" the deep voice said. "Damn, his voice sexy, he sexy lawwdddd God blessed him" I thought. I heard a deep chuckle. "Thank you ma" Darius said. "Ohhhh shit I said that out loud?" I asked. "Yeah, you did but are we still on for tonight?" he asked. "Yeah we are." I blushed and said. "Ite ma, just making sure. I'll talk to you later" he said and hung up. I looked over at Liyah her eyes were wide. Uh oh her ass finna start yelling. I mentally face palmed myself. "WAITTT BITCHHH DON'T TELL ME THAT WAS DARIUS THAT FINE ASS FUCK NIGGA THAT GOT YOU FIRED!!" she yelled. "It was. So yesterday, I texted him and told his ass off and told him to meet me at the park. We met up and he started sincerely telling me how sorry he was. I forgave him and to add on to his forgiveness he volunteered to take me out today and I said yes." I told her. "MY BESTFRIEND FINNA GET SOME REAL DICK FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE" she yelled to the top of her lungs. "Bitch no I'm not we just gon be chillin and talkin PERIODTT AND THATS FINAL!" I yelled. "Mhm, whatever, I'll hear about him dickin you down later on tonight or tomorrow" she replied. "Girl BYE! He'll be here around 6 sooooo we can do whatever until 4:30." I replied. She nodded her head and we went back to watching Spongebob. _______________________________________ I guess I had fallen asleep because I woke up in Liyah bed with Spongebob still playing. I got my phone and checked the time it was 4:45. I still had enough time to shower and get ready. I left out and went to my room. I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I waited for the shower to get hot and I stripped and hopped in. After showering for about 30 minutes it was 5:25. I hurriedly dried off, wrapped myself in my towel and walked to my closet looking for something to wear. I put on my black matching bra and panty set. I finally settled on a black sleeveless shirt , some kinda dark colored blue jeans, an olive green coat, and my brown Nemuel Uggs.
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I put my hair up in a top knot and laid my baby hairs. I put my gold diamond studs on and put on my gold cross necklace. I sprayed my Victoria Secret Pure Seduction perfume. I gave my outfit a once over in the full body mirror on the back of the bathroom door. After making sure I had my phone, purse, my key and some money, I headed downstairs. Liyah was downstairs on the phone with Mama. "OUUUU BITCHHH YOU LOOK CUTE AS FUCK!" Liyah yelled. "JALIYAH WATCH YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I COME THROUGH THIS PHONE AND KNOCK YO WHOLE FRONT ROW OF TEETH OUT YO MOUTH!" Mama yelled. I busted out laughing, "Thank you boo" I replied. I checked the time and it was 5:59. As if on cue, it hit 6:00 and the doorbell rang. "I'll be back. Love you Mama, love you Liyah" told them. "Have funnnn!" They said in unison. I opened the door and Darius handed me some flowers. I I hugged him, "Hey and thank you for the flowers." I quickly ran and put the flowers in a vase. He seems sweet and like a nice guy. He gotta nice ass car. He had an all black Audi. He grabbed my hand, led me to the car, and opened the door for me. After he saw that I was settled in the seat, he closed the door, walked around the car and hopped in the driver's seat. He handed me the aux cord. I plugged it in my phone and started playing QueenNaija-Butterflies. "Idon'twannafallsofastbutI'mopen. TheyalwayssaythatgoodthingsneverlastandIknowcauseI'vebeenbrokennn. I'mtryingtoprotectmyheartbutyoumakingitsohardandIguessit'ssafetosay, youtakemypainaway. AndIjustwannaholdyouallnightlong. WheneverI'maroundyounothing'swrong. I'mhopingthatyou'llalwaysbearound. YougotmeonahighandIdon'twannacomedownandIloveit , Iloveit." I hummed the rest of the song. _______________________________________ Darius POV 2 songs later, we pulled up at Link Rink(made up). I parked my car, hurriedly hopped out, and went and opened the door for Taniah. She smiled at me. She so fineee!! We hurriedly walked inside because it's chilly. After arguing about who was paying for our wristbands and skates, I finally gave up and let him pay. I ain't the type to let a nigga pay for my stuff. We headed towards the rink. "What sizes can I get y'all?" the employee said. "6 please" I smiled and said. "11" Darius said. The employee went and got our skates. "YIKESS, yk what they say big feet, big meat" I thought. "You'll find out sooner or later" Darius said and winked. I face palmed myself. I'm always saying things out loud. After falling multiple times, Darius finally helped me skate. He had his hands on my waist helping guide me. I started to get the hang of it. We sat and rested for a while. After many laughs and falls, we sat down and ate. We were just enjoying ourselves. We were laughing and talking. Just getting to know each other. _______________________________________ Darius POV We finally got back to her house. I walked re to the door. "I really enjoyed myself" she smiled and said. "Me too. Can I take you out again Saturday at 8?" I replied. She was just standing there smiling and blushing hard. "Yeah, you're cooler than I thought" she said. I smiled at her, "There's something I have to tell you though Taniah." Taniah POV "What is it?" I asked and wondered. "You know what nevermind. I'll talk to you later goodnight" he said and kissed my cheek. I watched as he got in his car and drove off. I went inside the house and upstairs thinking. We did he wanna tell me? Why did he say nevermind? Why? Why? Why? _______________________________________ vote and comment you guys! lemme know what you think. -Amyah💛