Taniah POV BANG BANG BANG! "TANIAH GET YA BLACK ASS UP YOU GOTTA GO TO SCHOOL!" my mama yelled. I rolled my eyes and groaned, "I'm up mama dang." I got up went to the bathroom handled my business on the toilet, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I cut the shower on and let it get hot. I grabbed my Beats Pill and paired it with my phone and went back in the bathroom with it. I went through my music and settled on YNW Melly-Butter Pecan. "White Coupe, Butter Pecan Thick Bitch Puerto Rican Take you out to Paraguay or California for the weekend I'm with Sac and Juviey so you gotta bring about 3 friends" I stayed in the shower for about 30 minutes. I dried off and wrapped a towel around me. I went to my closet looking for an outfit to wear. After finally settling on my black and white Vanz shirt, black jeans with the knee cut out, my black and white, slip ons, my Louie V bag, my gold Rolex, and my yellowish Faded hat. I pulled my ponytail through the back of my hat.
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I grabbed the keys to my Audi and headed downstairs. I seen that my mama had already left and she didn't cook. I put a blueberry poptart in the toaster. I waiting 1 or 2 for it to pop up. I put my poptart in a piece of paper towel, locked the door, and headed to school. ______________________________________ Darius POV I running late for school so I hurriedly parked my car, grabbed my stuff and ran into the school. I ran all the way to class. The door was locked so I started beating on the door. Luckily it was a sub so she just opened the door and let in. I walked to my desk that was at the very back of the room. "Alright you guys, your assignment is to study for tomorrow's test. You do not have to do it but you will not get loud" the sub said. Soon as she said that I immediately put my headphones in and laid my head down and took a nap. ______________________________________ It was finally lunch the best part of the day. I don't eat this cafeteria food. It look like it can kill ya. Ya digg? I headed to front of the school and walked out to my car. I hopped in and headed to Wendy's since it was closer. I pulled up in the drive thru. "Welcome to Wendy's what can I get you?" the employee asked. "Uhhhh lemme get uhhh 2 6-piece spicy chicken nuggets, large fry, a baconator, and a large Fanta Strawberry" I told her. "Your total is $12.53 drive around please" she replied. I paid, got my food and headed back to school. I walked inside and headed to the cafeteria with my food in my hand. I pulled my phone out and started going through my messages. As I was looking down while walking, I bumped into somebody. "DAMN BITCH!" I said without even looking up. "Yo watch who the fuck you talking to bro! Ian no bitch" some duck ass hoe said. "Girl get thirst trapping ass on bruh before I real life slap you" I said with straight face and I went around her. I went to my regular with my boys and there were hoes all surrounding our table. "Darius, yo q-tip looking ass went to Wendy's without us bruh?" Dew Drop asked. I looked at him and made a straight face and cocked my head to the side. I blinked a few times just looking at him. "No shit Sherlock" I finally responded. We was eating and laughing until my hoe ass "girlfriend" walked over tapping on me. I started talking to the female right next to me not even acknowledging my "girlfriend". "DARIUS I KNOW YOU SEE ME RIGHT HERE AND YOU WANNA BE IN A HOE FACE!" whatever her name is yelled. "THAT'S WHY IM PREGNANT AND YOU THA DADDY!" she yelled. The whole cafeteria got quiet. Shit just got real. A/N: y'all know some finna go down when the whole cafeteria get quiet💀 _____________________________ Taniah POV The whole cafeteria got quiet all of a sudden. I just saw Darius jump up and grab some female by her arm. He so sexy when he mad😩. I was staring at him the whole time when some hoe came and tapped on me. "YOU BEEN STARING AT MY NIGGA THE WHOLE TIME YOU FUCKING HIM OR SUNTING!" she yelled/asked. "Excuse me I'm 2 feet away from you you don't have to yell. Now who is your nigga?" I replied to her. "DARIUS!" she yelled. I stood up in front of her. "Look you don't have to yell. You just want attention that you not finna get from me. No I'm not fucking him. He doesn't even want you but yet you doin all this over him. Just stupid" I replied to her with my arms crossed. She swung on me so I ducked and came back up and uppercutted her. Principal Jordan came and got us. I grabbed my shit and stormed out of the cafeteria right behind them. "Taniah you're a good student and you rarely get in trouble but since she's pregnant she can press charges" Principal Jordan said. Some police officers walked inside the office and tried to question me. "I'm under the age and my parent is not here nor my lawyer so therefore you may not question me. Goodbye" I said to them with a fake smile. I grabbed my stuff and left out of school. I hopped in my car and headed to my house hoping no one is there. There were no cars in the driveway thank God for that. I hopped out the car, unlocked the door to the house, and headed up stairs to my room. I looked at my hand laughing. "Always comes in handy" I said to myself laughing. I hopped in the shower for 30 minutes or so. I got out, put on my undergarments, and slipped on an oversized t-shirt. I got comfortable in my bed and took a nap. ______________________________________ ii been slacking ik im tryna do better but im juggling sooo much but ima do better. Vote, Comment, &' Shareeee🙃! -amyah💛