Chapter 1 : Back To New York

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Isn't it every girl's  dream, to one day, being married and live an happily ever after? Sophia was one of those girls. Dreaming of the perfect wedding, and forever living with the love of her life.

The wedding? She will have it but not as she has ever dreamed, it will be something that she has never expected in all her life.

Back to England, Sophia was in her room, packing her stuff into her luggage, preparing her return to New York. Her place was neither too small nor too big, it was just with the perfect size and perfect decoration: with white and grey walls making the room brighter, with few furnitures, not too much but just enough for her needs, a big window that gives a great view of the town where she would always seat reading her favorite books "pride and prejudice".

Yes, she a romantic one, still believing in true love. Yeah, sounds stupid and naive, still believing that this crazy world still has love to offers when it had turned out so badly, where everyone is just in search of their own interest and benefits even if that includes using Love. If once loving someone was something natural, beautiful and marvelous, nowadays, it has turned to be something scary. It needs courage to do so. An investment with high risk: giving your heart with no certainty that it would be paid back with the same amount of love or maybe with nothing.

So few dares to invest in it, settle for some fake loves, and losing hope the true love. But Sophia was one those rare ones that still believed in it, even if after her heart has once fell apart. She had once fell madly in love with a guy when she was still at high school. She was almost certain that he was the right one for her but at the end, it seems that Sophia was the only one feeling that way. Her feeling was unreciprocated. But despite that she is still certain that one day she will her other half, that it is not because it has once failed that she won't find it. Maybe if it hadn't work out, that means that something better that it was waiting for her. Why making do for a fake one if the true one was waiting for her she thought.

Yes, it wasn't easy for her to move on, afraid of not finding someone as great as  she thought her ex was, missing the beautiful memories, the promises that had been made, afraid of not finding better than what was lost and not feeling the feeling she had felt. But with the time, she had learnt to stand by herself again, having faith in her again accepting that what it lost is lost and just letting it go at her turn. If it hadn't worked out, then it was mean to not to, that it was not the right one. Why keeping  suffering for the pain that wrong shoes cause? don't be afraid, kick it off, there will be one that will perfectly feet your feet, with what you will feel comfortable and will help you to walk right instead of the wrong one that will only be a pain in your feet.

There was not that much to do anymore for her departure, just few stuff left to pack.

 Sophia  had been living in England almost all of here lives. Her father sent her ther after her mother' death. It was hard to a little girl to acknowledge that her dad just throw her away after her mother was gone. She was still too young back then, she couldn't understand anything yet, she just thought her own father didn't loved her anymore. But the more she grew up, the more she understood her father.

Sophia was the single daughter of Lucas Russell, a well-known-figure in the business world, and the late Amelie Davis. Lucas and Amelie were madly in love despite all the differences between them. Firstly the huge age gaps between them, Amelie was 18 when she met Lucas and he was already 30. It was what we call love at first sight. But it wasn't easy for both of them. Amelie was still young, still had her life, Lucas didn't want to hurt her or caged her in something, a life that wasn't hers to bother yet. He then just turn away from her even though the strong feeling that was in him. But at the end he failed, their love were undeniable so they ended up together at the end.

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