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Lenna put her headphones in her ears, blocking out the lifeless world she lived in. She was always one to keep to herself, it was easier that way: no one could hurt her.

"Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner

Sometimes I feel like my only friend

Is the city I live in, the city of angels

Lonely as I am together we cry"

The words hummed through Lenna's ears as she tapped her foot lightly against the deck. The July wind made her eyes water and her nose numb. A sigh escaped her chapped lips as she pulled the ends of her worn sweater to cover her hands. Her emerald eyes fixed on the Harbour Bridge in front of her; the one she had seen countless times. There were people climbing up its sturdy, metal frame and this made Lenna think about what it would be like up there. To be alone with her thoughts without the burden of this problematic world she lived in. But regardless of how high she climbed or how far she traveled, she knew she would always be trapped in the imperfect place.

Sydney was Lenna's home town and yet she despised it. It was a beautiful city but she needed to escape the claustrophobic atmosphere. People walked around in business suits with their phones pressed to their ears. They were all the same. The only thing that kept Lenna in this wave of neckties and briefcases, was the city itself. That, and she was only 17.

Her endless thoughts were interrupted by someone scoffing behind her. The noise was rather odd, causing Lenna to turn around.

She tilted her head back to be met with a tall, blonde figure standing above her.

"Can I help you?" She asked the young man impatiently, pulling one headphone from her ear. Lenna really didn't take an interest in socialising.

"iTube?" he asked in disgust, shaking his head so his blonde curls bounced around.

"So?" She questioned, irritated at this boy, who's name she was yet to discover.

"Hm..." "It's a little ironic, don't you think?" He asked, ignoring her question completely.

"Excuse me?" Lenna questioned again.

The blonde haired boy smiled.

"Listening to 'Under The Bridge' as we are passing under a bridge." He clarifies.

Lenna was not sure on how the boy knew what song she was listening to, but she assumed he most likely saw it on the screen of her phone.

"Um... I guess? Why do you care?" Lenna asked him, growing more and more impatient by this young man with a smart mouth.

"So you like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers I take it?" He asked Lenna, once again ignoring her question.

"No I'm listening to them because I hate them." She replied sarcastically. She'd had enough of his smart-ass attitude.

"Ohh feisty." The boy laughed. The things I would do to hear him laugh again, Lenna thought, before mentally scolding herself for even thinking such a thing.

"Can you please just leave me alone?" She questioned pleadingly.

"So you can get back to listening to your shitty iTube music? No. What's your name?" The blonde asked, taking a seat next to his newly met acquaintance.

"Lenna." She mumbled quietly, surprised she had even answered his question.

"Well Len, can I call you that? Too bad, I'm going to." He said before Lenna had the chance to reply. She found this boy extremely rude and irritating. How could someone be so stubborn? she thought to herself.

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