
99 19 1

(oops I know i said 100 votes but im so impatient, btw this chap sucks so i'll probably end up rewriting it later xx)


It had been eight days since Lenna first ran into the boy on the Ferry. She slowly walked down the empty sidewalk, the only sound heard was the scraping of her sneakers against the gravel ground. She was in the one part of Sydney she knew she could be alone. No one ever came here, to this deserted park. It was a beautiful spot that over looked the water, yet no one really knew about it. Lenna would sit there for hours, listening to music as she watched large boats pull in and out of the harbour.

She plucked a blade of grass from the ground, moving it around in her icy finger tips.

3 weeks.

Just 3 weeks and she would be leaving this place. As soon as Lenna turned 18, she was moving away from this suffocating city. She would hop on a train and go wherever it took her. Her plan was risky and ambiguous, but Lenna really couldn't care less. She just needed to escape, and the sooner the better. She realised she would probably end up renting some shitty hotel or unit with the little money she had saved, but that was okay. Surely anything was better than this.

Lenna laid back on the slightly damp grass and shut her eyes, music still humming through her ears. The music got tangled in the sounds of the city, all the construction, the cars, the ships and even the faint sound of people's conversations. But as Lenna listened more carefully, she was able to make out the sound of something else, something closer... footsteps. She sat up quickly peering around the dimly lit park until she spotted a tall figure bending down to sit on the swing. Lenna thought it was extremely unusual that this person would be here now. In fact she found it unusual that they would be here at all. This place was hidden and no body ever came here. Well, apparently some people did...

"Careful, it will probably break if you swing on it." She called out quietly. This park was old and wrecked. She wouldn't be surprised if the rusty thing broke from just being sat on alone, and as much as she'd rather keep to herself, she didn't really want the person to end up with a broken arm.

"I know, " The boy said simply, in an oddly familiar voice.

Lenna knew that voice.

"Record boy?" She called out in disbelief.

"Len." He replied, and Lenna could almost here the smile in his voice.

"Don't call me that." She sighed, a small part of her desperately hoping he would ignore her protest and call her that anyway.

"What are you doing here?" Record Boy asked standing up from the swing. He dusted off his jeans before slowly making his way over to Lenna, sitting next to her on the damp grass.

"I could ask you the same thing." She muttered quietly, her eyes still focused on the piece of grass in her hand. She hadn't realised how close he was sitting until she finally looked up to see his face just inches from hers. He wasn't looking at her though, he was looking out at the harbour just as she had been before he arrived.

"I asked you first." he replied, still keeping his gaze forward.

What was she doing here? Trying to escape. Trying to get away from everything and more importantly everyone. But I guess that wasn't really working out for her now...

"Do I need to have a reason to be here?"

"No, but then neither do I." He counted casually, bringing his knees to his chest.

Lenna nodded, averting her attention back to the harbour as well. She stared out at the dark water before closing her eyes.

The boy sighed, turning to face her for the first time that night."But if you must know, I'm here because-"

"I didn't ask." Lenna cut him off, her eyes remaining closed.

"I know, but I might as well tell you..." He trailed off.

Lenna sighed, opening her eyes.

"Then tell me, Record Boy. Why are you here, at this deserted park, at 3 in the morning?"

He turned to face her again before opening his mouth, "Because it's better here. It's better than being down there where I'm just apart of this existing city." He paused, running a hand through his tousled hair. "There's no people up here, other than you, and it's a hell of a lot quieter too. It's just... better."

Lenna nodded, too tired to reply.

"If you want me to go, just say the word." He told her softly.

But that's not what Lenna wanted. Though she tried to deny it, she some-what enjoyed his company and the sound of his voice. She could listen to it for hours.

"No, it's okay. I don't mind." Lenna mumbled honestly.

The boy smiled slightly and nodded his head. If she was going to let him stay though, she at least needed to find out his name. Not that she really cared, but she couldn't keep referring to him as 'Record Boy'.

"So, Record Boy, what is your name? And none of that 'its un-important' bull-crap." She added, adjusting her position so her legs were crossed in front of her.

He hesitated for a moment, opening and closing his mouth several times before he finally replied.


"Ashton?" Lenna asked, checking she had heard him correctly.

He just shrugged in response.

Ashton. Personally Lenna thought he looked more like an Andy or something, but she preferred Ashton anyway. It suited him. Slightly unusual, something you didn't come across often, yet it was still a nice name. Ashton...

"Um Len..." Ashton sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.


"Yeah, are you- uh- are you like, okay?" He asked gesturing down to her shaking hands.

Lenna looked down at her hands to find out that they were indeed shaking. It must have been around 6 degrees at most, and all Lenna was wearing, was a pair of rolled-over skinny jeans and a black tee that wasn't doing much to keep her body warm. She crossed her arms over her chest, "Yeah I'm fine, just cold." She replied.

"Oh." Ashton nodded.

"Well I'm not gonna give you my jumper. No offence, but it's fucking freezing. You can have my flannel if you want." He shrugged, removing the plaid flannel from around his waist.

What was he doing with a jumper and a flannel anyway? Was one not enough? Lenna thought to herself.

"Ashton, It's okay." She sighed. She didn't want this to be like some sappy movie where the guy gives the girl his jumper or whatever. They weren't even friends.

"Ashton?" He questioned.

"That's your name, isn't it?" Lenna replied impatiently.

"I guess... I just- never mind."He sighed, placing the flannel on the ground next to him.


dont worry, the next chapter will carry on from here and everything so yeh calm down

50 votes for next chapter :-)

i love you guys so so much

thanks for reading / voting / commenting and being supportive

bri xo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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