"Kill Me, Firestar"

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      Blood— blood, it's everywhere. My clanmates' lay dead on the partially burnt leaves, their scents mixing in with the corpses of otherkin.

I looked at myself; My left hind leg was missing it's fur and had burn marks engraved by the wildfire. I touched my head where a large gash was hidden under my tufts of fur, my eyes stung as well. And this metallic taste in my mouth, no doubt the familiar taste of blood.

The silhouette of a tom appeared in the distance. He jerked his head in my direction, and my collar fell at my paws. The teeth of dogs and claws of cats were absent, leaving the old, hole filled collar with my old name tag barely hanging on.

"Look at you Scourge," said the silhouette. The smoke spread and Firestar entered my hazy line of vision. "You've been defeated. Your clanmates' are long dead and you're the only one left, clinging onto dear life."

I felt my chest grow heavy, but like this wildfire, I decided I must stay unyielding. I picked up my heavy body, "I haven't left just yet Firestar! Not until I drag you down with me!"

Suddenly I felt a bite to my flesh. Looking down, I suddenly realized chains were lashing out at me like vipers. I was being dragged into the void, but without him, I wouldn't go down.

"Fight me, Firestar!" I growled, leaping against the chains. I unsheathed my claws as I battled for him, but he just stood there. With the chains digging into me I was reluctantly pulled back and scratched at the ground. I was slowly dragged closer to the void as I tried to claw my way up to the golden tom, "Fight me Firestar! Fight me!" I called out. I received the same reaction: He stood there, not moving at all as I struggled against the cold metal. "Firestar! Firestar! Fire—"

And just like that, I was pulled into the black abyss.

I yowled as I awoke from my supposed slumber. I looked back at my leg, still destroyed from this battle, and the taste of blood still resided in my mouth. Firestar's silhouette was visible once more and my battered collar came flying at my paws.

Unlike my dream, I was not willing to sit still, waiting for him come to me. I picked up my body of the blood covered sea and raced to the silhouette.

There he was, his annoying, superior looking mug, I kept to him, but suddenly I felt a coldess, one I swear I have felt before. I looked behind me and the void I saw in my dream was present, staring at me, right in the face.

I scraped against the dirt, "Fight me Firestar!" I called and only moments later I, once again, was dragged under.

For the third time, I had appeared at an identical location. I just picked myself this time, no need to look back anymore. I burst into the direction of Firestar's location and swiped around the fog. "You still don't get it, do you?" His voice echoed in my head. His silhouette appeared all around me, all of them having a smile plastered upon them.

"Scourge," he repeated, "Scourge, Scourge, Scourge,"

The chains bit into me again as the real Firestar approached me, "Don't you get it already Scourge?" He asked with a sympathetic look. "Get what!" I spat back.

His face full of sympathy formed into a cruel smile, "Scourge, you're already—"

And again, I was pulled into the void.

Again, again, again, and again I was put in the same situation. Time and time again I was dragged back into that black void of regret.

I was tired, tired of being dragged back in. I sat there, waiting for my collar to fly at my paws and Firestar to approach me. The metal vipers stuck on to me again, and for one last time, "Fight me—" No, that isn't what I want to say.

"What, gone silent Scourge?"

"Kill me..."

"What was that?"


[C]"But I can't, Scourge. You're already dead..."


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