Chapter 5

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"Okay, you deserved that," Ashton remarks, trying hard not to laugh, but not entirely succeeding, a few giggles escaping.

I don't say anything, because there's not really anything I can say. Sitting here, holding an ice pack to my jaw after Andy had punched me, I knew I had probably deserved it. And it was probably gonna happen again, with the way I always seemed to say the wrong thing to her.

"You definitely deserved that. Why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to corner her in an elevator, attempt talk about your shit, of which there is much, and try to drag her back in when she tried to leave?" Michael sounds gleeful at how it went, that one of the only people in the world who could punch me and not get punched back had,in fact, hit me, hard enough to leave a bruise and a lump. I should probably be glad she wasn't wearing rings when she hit me.

"She had just gotten off a long flight, had to interview us and go through all of Mark's ramblings, and you thought it'd be a good time to talk to her. You of all people should understand how she gets when she's tired. And you should have at least guessed she's be pissed, you were a total douche." Calum shakes his head, not understanding.

"Look, it was the first time I'd seen her since I left, I heard her talking, I wasn't thinking straight." I try to defend myself, although I know they're right.

Michael snorts, and I lean over and smack the back of his head.

"Shut up." I snap.

"She really doesn't want to see you, let alone talk to you. When you walked in, she was in the midst of calling you something along the lines of a douche fucking waffle or something like that, it was great-" Michael is rubbing it in my face.

My temper, always so close to the edge these days, seems to ignite. 
"Fuck off, or I'm going to punch you a hell of a lot harder than she punched me."

Michael stands, taking Ashton with him, mockingly saluting me as they leave the room, off to their own. After throwing a shoe at the slamming door, I flip back on my bed, still holding the ice pack to my face. It was throbbing and I'd probably have an impressive bruise in the morning. Not that I hadn't expected Andy to be angry, I was angry at myself and I'm the one who had done it, but I didn't expect her to punch me, at least as hard as she had. It wasn't a new idea to me that Andy was occasionally violent when she felt threatened, but I didn't realize I threatened her. She's told me that I would never scare her. I had loved her fieriness, and had just got punched in the face with it. An interesting turn of irony.

"What were you thinking, Luke?" Burrowing into his bed, Calum sounds genuinely curious.

I sigh, running my free hand through my hair, messing it up further.

"I wasn't thinking. She was just there, and I needed to talk to her, about what, I have no idea but I just needed to do something. Cornering her wasn't the best idea, that I admit."

Calum sits up, staring at me fully. "You're not going to try anything with her, are you? Dude, you messed her up so badly, you can't try to play her again. It's not fair, and Michael is gonna be pissed, Ashton's gonna be pissed, I'm gonna be pissed, Chase is gonna be pissed, Rose is gonna be pissed, and when she's mad people start crying and mysteriously disappearing, and Andy herself is gonna be pissed. You can't hurt her again."

"I wasn't playing her!" I snap out, throwing the ice pack at the wall and immediately regretting it.

"She doesn't know that. All she knows is that you showed up, told her you loved her, had some super intense sex, and was gone in the morning."

"I don't know how to tell her why I did it, I don't know what to say to her at all anymore. All I know is I have to say something. She's still mine. "

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