Chapter 14

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My body felt like it had been trampled by a truck, dragged for miles and then dipped in hot boiling lava. Everything fucking hurt, so much... too much. People say giving birth is one of the hardest things in the world... well, I would say the after is much worse. Julie was a good baby, she wouldn't cry too much, not really, but everything was heightened now. I honestly didn't know how single parents did this... how someone did this alone. If not for Jordan, Eva, the grandma... just literally everyone around us, we had definitely been at each other's throats.

"Come here, sweetie..." I sighed, grabbing my moaning baby from her crib and sitting together in the rocking chair.

I heard Jordan argue with his mom downstairs about lunch, and I sighed. Those two had been arguing day in and day out ever since Angela had stepped foot into the house after Julie had arrived. She was still hurt because we hadn't told her we had been home for a whole day – I knew why, and I honestly wasn't surprised about it.

"Let's get you some lunch..." Julie grabbed her lunch straight away and I groaned at the pain "Ouch... ouch, darling... you've eaten three hours ago, you can't possibly be that hungry!"

She sucked quickly, letting little moans out every now and then – well, at least someone was enjoying herself... I heard Jordan grunting as he stomped up the stairs. When he got to the nursery, he silently closed the door and pretended to scream, in total silence, arms up and everything – that made me chuckle.

"Is she busting your balls?" I grinned, using an expression my lovely fiancée had used incessantly about his mom over the last few weeks.

"Jesus... she wants to help, I know she does." Jordan sighed, coming to kneel beside the two of us "I really appreciate it, but... Goddamnit, I want to do things for my family. I want to cook and clean and have everything sorted, and not have my mother hovering around telling me everything I'm doing wrong!"

"She only wants to help." I smiled, patting his cheek "And you look tired, you should go have a nap and let her do what will make her happy."

"I was planning on doing a nice roast." He shrugged, and I had to chuckle at his disappointed face "And she went ahead and did her own thing because she, and I quote, 'Knows what she's doing" He rolled his grey eyes.

"Ouch." I grunted at Julie's suckling "If you produced milk, I would trade this for fighting with your mom, any day."

"Is it painful?" He winced, caressing Julie's almost bald little head.

"Not really. Today it is, I'm a bit tender" I had to admit.

Jordan sighed, as he caressed Julie's tiny hand, curled against my breast. His smile was so sweet that it melted my heart.

"You know... when I first saw you, back in my shop? I thought that you were so put together and serious, I just wanted to mess you up."

"Aw, so romantic!" I chuckled.

"At the club... you were so freaking hot, love." He mumbled, and I giggled a bit "Couldn't keep my eyes off of you."

"And you didn't" I reminded him with a cheeky grin.

"Well... love, you are really gorgeous." He chuckled, caressing my knee "Right here... with sleepy eyes, a massive robe, and our baby in your arms feeding off of your tiny body... I've never in a million years imagined this happening... I was prepared to go after you and date you... When..." He sighed, rubbing his trimmed hair back "When you dropped the baby bomb on me... I kinda freaked out."

"You seemed fine," I joked.

"I was fucking terrified." He assured me "I mean... I have no idea what being a father means... Having a tiny little human being dependent on me? That shit scared me."

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