-= Chapter Seven =-

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Alex's legs tensed as he got ready to jump up, he could see that Flynny was also getting ready to jump, he had his magic mirror out, ready to smash it and send a signal to the crows for them to come and help.
"Here's your necklace back, the leader of the Nature Crows helped me fix it," Flynny said, handing Alex the fixed necklace, glowing prettily again. The Phoenixes advanced quickly, getting ready to torch them.
"Who's there?!?" The leader shouted again, the Phoenixes were almost at their hiding spot. Alex looked over at Flynny, he mouthed "Now" and launched upwards, Flynny right behind him.

"KA KAAA!" Alex screeched as Flynny smashed the magical mirror, confirming that they needed help, a bright light surged from the mirror temporarily blinding the Phoenixes, a distraction to give them more time. They hovered in the air, surveying the area, looking for a place to perch and snipe the fire birds, they found a ledge and waited for the crows to come. Alex lined up his first shot and released, the arrow shot from the bow into the side of a Phoenix causing it to scream in pain, it fell out of the sky and made a loud thud on the ground below. Suddenly the front door blew open as a murder of crows swooped in, weapons ready. All hell broke loose as the two polar opposites clashed, the crows screeched their battle cries, the Phoenixes blew fire, the crows danced with their weapons, slashing down Phoenixes.

"Go! Find the cage, set the crows free, they're down at the lowest story!" Flynny shouted, the battle was so loud, his voice was almost completely drowned out. Alex jumped down a trapdoor and made his way through the underground cave, he could hear and feel the vibrations of the battle above. Soon he found the cage and expertly picked open the lock, Thomas' lessons on picking locks and breaking into things were finally coming in handy. After hugging his parents he looked at the other crows.
"The exit is that way, there are Water Crows outside, ready to take you guys home," Alex said, after a quick goodbye to his parents, he rushed back up to help with the battle. It wasn't looking good, they were in the Phoenixes territory, giving the Phoenixes an advantage. The heat seemed to be slowly draining the crow's energy, Alex decide he was going to have to use his necklace.

"Here we go again," He sighed, readying himself. He jumped up and hovered, he concentrated and soon could feel the power seep into him. He was once again surrounded in a protective aura shield, he landed and whipped out his daggers, he grinned as he lunged into the nearest Phoenix. Flynny was summoning as much healing water as he could, trying to refill the crows with energy. The tables were suddenly flipped as the crows followed Alex, slowly pushing the Phoenixes back. One of the Phoenixes tried diving into Alex, quickly it was slashed to ashes, Alex could see the fear in the other Phoenixes eyes.

"Lets go!" Their leader shouted shooting up and through the top of the volcano, the others followed, eager to get out before they could be overwhelmed. Lava flowed through the destroyed roof, Alex felt himself reach out his hand and will the lava to stop and the roof to be blocked, not allowing more lava to flow through. The last thing Alex remembered was thinking, "Woah I can do that?!?" before fainting and falling out of the sky again.

"He's awake," Alex heard someone say as he opened his eyes.
"I know your going to ask how long you've been asleep, you've been asleep for 3 days," Mateo answered his silent question. Alex was shocked, he had been asleep for so long, he felt drained like he had felt the first time he used the necklace. He peered at the nightstand beside him, his necklace was there, glowing? He didn't expect it to be still working since last time he used it, it hadn't worked afterwards. His classmates had gathered around his hospital bed and filled him in on everything he missed. The Phoenixes which attacked Mount Snowfall had been pushed back, and retreated back to their nest, only to realise that their nest had been destroyed, and flew off to somewhere else. They didn't know where the Phoenixes would go, maybe they would never come back. The jewels had been returned to the different kingdoms that they had been stolen from and the Throne had been destroyed. The Water Crows and Alligators had gone back to their home underwater in Poseidon's Palace and almost everything was back to normal. A few days later Alex was back at school and everyone was thanking him for saving Mount Snowfall and congratulating him on being able to use his necklace.

A Shadow Leopard looked down at the school. It's smile faded as it dissolved into the shadows, leaving behind a wisp of darkness.

Alex Frost | Attack of the Phoenixes [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now