Chapter 1

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Woojin sat on his desk, not really paying attention to his literature teacher's speech, rather distracting himself on the completely blue sky that was observable from his seat next to the window. It was Wednesday morning and Woojin wasn't exactly at his best since he had stayed up until past 1 a.m. studying for his math exam that day. He yawned, and turned his head to his teacher in the perfect moment to hear him say, "Come in, please." A confused look appeared on Woojin eyes as he thought of how unusual it was to have a new student when the year was already halfway through.

The door slid open, letting a brown curly haired boy make his way to the classroom. His teacher wrote his name on the chalkboard behind the new boy.

Bang Chan, Woojin reads.

His new classmate stands in the middle front of the classroom before bowing politely and giving out a big smile that let two cute holes on his cheeks show up. Woojin couldn't help but notice how much cuteness the boy irradiated with just this simple act. The boy didn't say his name out loud like most of the students would generally do, instead, their teacher did, before pointing at the empty seat next to Woojin, and Bang Chan starts to walk towards it.

Woojin had completely forgotten there was an empty seat next to him.

He observed as the new guy let his backpack hanging on the back of the seat and then sat down. He suddenly looked at Woojin, who didn't notice that he was completely staring at the guy shamelessly. Woojin blushed a little bit as the guy gave him a cute little smile without showing his teeth.

He's so cute, Woojin thought.

Woojin took his attention back to the front of the classroom where their teacher was beginning the lesson, but he found himself glancing back at Bang Chan several times during the first hours of class. Unconsciously taking note of the boy's concentrated expression.

He's just really cute.


"So... how's your crush on that boy going?" His friend Minho asked him, taking him out of whatever faraway place where his mind was wandering at.

"What crush?" Woojin asked.

"Oh, please. Don't tell you don't have a crush on the new guy Bang Chan, you've basically been staring at him for like what? Three weeks now?" Minho said and continued talking when his friend opened his mouth ready to contradict him. "Don't dare you saying it ain't true, my place is like two seats behind him, I can see you looking at him," he finished, pointing at Woojin with his chopsticks.

Woojin tried to find an argument for Minho's declaration, but he couldn't. He rather let out a tired sigh and rested his head on his arms over the table.

"Oohhh," he heard another one of his friends speak, "Woojin's got a crush on the new boy," Jisung said, poking into Woojin's side, slightly annoying him but also making him laugh a little too.

"How's he?" Hyunjin, who was sitting next to Minho, asked this time.

Woojin seemed to think about the question for a little while, because, in all honesty, he didn't know much about the guy.

"He's quiet, although he smiles a lot, and has cute little dimples. He's really pale and has curly hair, and a little bit shorter than me for what I've seen," he stood silent for a few seconds again, the thoughtful expression yet on his face. "He's always on time for class, I think I have never been there before him and he doesn't speak a lot," he finished.

"More like he never speaks," Minho said, "I've never heard a word coming from him."

"Well, yeah. To be honest, I don't know a lot about him," Woojin agreed.

One of the things that intrigued Woojin the most about Bang Chan, was the fact he had never seen him talk to any of their classmates. He had seen him interact with their professors once or twice, but never close enough to see hear him speaking or even see him. And he'd never had the pleasure of finding him during lunch, which was another mystery. He sighed again.

"When did you say he entered school?" Seungmin spoke, he had been quietly listening to the conversation the whole time.

"Almost three weeks ago, it was a Wednesday," Woojin answered him, and he could hear Hyunjin whisper a 'He even remembers the day' and laugh.

"That is— It can't be coincidence," Seungmin said, letting everyone confused.

"What do you mean?"

"There's a new guy in my class too, but I never mentioned him because, you know me, I rarely find anything relevant," true, everyone nodded. "If I'm not wrong, he came two or three weeks ago too, and he mentioned a few days ago that he's got an older brother (or half brother, I'm not sure) that is attending school hear too."

"And you think his brother might be Bang Chan?" Woojin asked, and Seungmin nodded.

"His name is Lee Felix, it would make sense that their last names aren't the same if they are only half brothers," he explained.

"That would also explain why I've never seen him at lunch, he's probably with his brother since he might not know a lot of people in the school," Minho commented.

While the conversation took a new course to the soon-to-be birthday of Jisung and later Seungmin, Woojin stood quietly wondering about the guy.

It was early September yet, reason why some days the weather would be hot and they would open the windows in their classroom. Those days, Woojin would stare quietly at the new boy and secretly admire how his curly hair waved with the breeze that entered the room through the window. Chan's skin was really pale, which made his intense brown eyes stand out a lot, and Woojin would find himself waiting for those few moments when the sunlight made them shine brightly. And when somebody made a joke during class, he would instantly look at Chan, just to be able to see the cute dimples that appeared when he smiled.

WooJin wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about this Bang Chan guy, that made him feel like some sort of magnetic force dragged him towards the boy. And Woojin wasn't willing to go against it.

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