Chapter 12/5

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"I like Woojin," he said, "No no, I'm pretty sure I'm in fucking love with Kim Woojin," he corrected himself.

"Ah, yeah. I knew t— wait, what?!"

"I love Woojin," he repeated, thinking might have read him wrong.

"No, I mean. Since when do you like him?" Felix asked, still disconcerted.

"Since like two weeks ago," he explained, crossing his legs on the bed, "No, I mean. I realized that like two weeks ago, but I think I've been liking him since like December or before."

"Wow, bro," Felix looked thoughtful, "That's good news," he said, leaning back and holding himself with his arms in the bed.

"Good news? Why?" Chan asked, confused and holding his feet with hands, rocking himself back and forth.

Felix realized he had said something he shouldn't have said and almost kicked himself out, "Because Woojin is a good guy," he said instead, trying to fix his error.

Chan didn't answer him and instead just threw himself back, laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. It was Friday and Jeongin's birthday was the next day, reason why they were going to stay at Woojin's, which was almost like a tradition of them by now. Chan and Felix were getting ready to go, but in a sudden moment, Chan sat on Felix's bed and told him he had something to tell him.

"What about you and Changbin?" Chan turned his head towards him and asked; Felix blushed.

"Uhm... well... perhaps we might have kissed the other day..." Felix said, nervously and covering his red face with both hands.

Chan had to take Felix's hands off his face because obviously, Felix wouldn't be able to read if he wasn't looking.

"What do you mean by kissing?!"

"We were at the store the other day, looking for things Changbin needed, and it just happened," Felix tried to explain, avoid having to reveal details.

"No sir, things don't just happen!" Chan scolded him.

"I don't know! We were close and then he suddenly leaned over and stole a kiss from me. I didn't know how to react and I just became stuttering tomato, and Changbin just laughed. We haven't mentioned anything about it yet, but I just—," Felix buried his face into a pillow and started screaming. His face was still red and Chan knew it because both his neck and ears were burning red too.

Chan simply stroked Felix's back for a few seconds and then left the room, letting the now brown haired boy die screaming alone. He understood the feeling, although he hadn't kissed Woojin or anything. But the past two weeks, he and Woojin had been basically over each other all the time. Chan felt so happy that whenever he wanted to get close to the older, he would never reject him. Conversely, Woojin would go and hug him out of the blue, without Chan expecting it.

He couldn't wait to get to Woojin's house and hug him. Even if it was just for a few seconds. And even if they had been together just a few hours ago. So, when the taxi that was taking them to Woojin's house arrived, Chan ran through the corridors with his backpack on and rushed towards the door. Not without getting Felix first.


When they arrived, Seungmin and Changbin were already there and were the ones to receive them at the door.

"Welcome to the Kim Palace," Changbin said as soon as they opened the door and Chan and Felix just laughed. "Let me escort you to the chambers," and proceeded to take Felix backpack and carry it upstairs.

Chan gave Felix a suggestive look and his brother looked away embarrassed. They walked to the room talking about how Jeongin was now 16 years old and that he shouldn't grow anymore. Because Jeongin was their baby and he had to stay like that. When they got to the room Chan just threw his backpack on one of the beds and them rushed Seungmin out of the room with him.

"Leave them alone, those two need to talk," he explained to Seungmin, who smiled.

"You're right," Seungmin said, "And by the way, I think Woojin is on his room. He went up there a few minutes before you got here."

Chan smiled instantly, "Thanks!" He said, before almost running through the hallways towards Woojin's room.

"I'll wait for the others!" He heard Seungmin tell him.

When he got to Woojin's room and opened the door, he found that Woojin wasn't actually there. So he kept walking through the hallway until the sound of a piano being played caught his attention. He moved closer to the sound and saw the door of the room at the end of the corridor open.

He walked to it, fascinated by how well the piano was played and the beautiful melody that came from it. When he entered, he found Woojin sitting in front of a grand piano his hands moving gracefully through the keys. He felt his heart grow bigger and almost couldn't stop himself from going there and hugging Woojin. But his desire of hearing more of him playing the piano stopped him.

Chan noticed a guitar in the wall opposite to Woojin and walked towards it silently. It was very well conserved and treated, showing that his owner cared a lot about it. Was it Woojin's?

He unconsciously took the guitar on his hands and started playing along with the melody Woojin was playing. Ans not so long after, Woojin stopped playing the piano and turned around to see him playing the guitar. However, Chan didn't stop playing it, liking the sensation of having a guitar on his hands after so long. It felt correct and he didn't notice the tears rolling down his cheeks until Woojin ran to hug him and Chan let go of the guitar. He felt Woojin hold him tightly as his breathing got heavier, crying disconsolately.


A lot of time passed before Chan finally calmed down. And it hurt Woojin to know he couldn't do anything to help him because, in the first place, Woojin didn't even know what was wrong.

When he heard the sound of his guitar being played, he immediately stopped playing the piano and turned around to see Chan playing his guitar almost like a professional. And he didn't know that Chan played any instruments, which made it more mesmerizing. And at first, his curly haired boy seemed happy, he seemed to be enjoying playing it, but when he started crying, Woojin noticed that something wasn't right.

And he didn't doubt a second before going to him and hug him. The guitar slid from Chan's hands to the floor and in another occasion, Woojin would've worried. But not right now, not when his boy was grabbing his t-shirt with both hands and started crying harder. His head resting on Woojin's stomach and the tears soaking the white fabric.

He tried to help somehow, by carefully stroking the younger's back and holding him tightly close to him, but it didn't seem to work. Chan would only cry harder every time. And Woojin decided to simply keep his arms wrapped around his back and let him cry. That whatever was getting out of his heart, could make its way out.

When Chan's cries became nothing more than sobs, but still holding strongly onto Woojin, he started to carefully stroke the boy's hair. Feeling his heart break into a million pieces with the image in front of him. He wished he would never have to see Chan cry again, not like this, because it would be too much for him, too painful.

A few minutes later Chan's breathing became slow and calmed again, and Woojin kneeled in front of him. He hated how red and swollen his eyes were. And he also hated the tear trails on his face. He carefully cleaned the tears out of his cheeks with his thumbs. He then made Chan's head rest on his shoulder, stroking the base of Chan's hair on his neck.

"Everything will be okay now, don't worry," Woojin said, his voice low and really soft, trying to do everything on his hands to help the boy he was in love with. And feeling his heart shrink with pain for not being able to do better.

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