Chapter 5

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Days had come and days had gone, and throughout all of them, Chan was uncontrollably happy. He and Felix continued to sit at lunch with Woojin and the others, and they were just so welcoming and nice always, that Chan found himself wanting them to be part of his daily life more than he thought he would ever want it.

The best part of it was that none of them ever made jokes about his condition, or got irritated because of having to read a small screen to communicate with him. They had added both him and Felix to a group chat and it was just so funny to have convos with them. Not only he was happy with this group of friends, but his parents were too. They tried not to make it obvious so Chan wouldn't feel pressured, but the fact that he was finally acting like a normal teenager again, was like a ray of sunshine showering over their home and lives, even the service in the house seemed to be happier now that Chan was overflowing with good vibes.

It was already Friday, Jisung's Birthday, and they were supposed to get over to Woojin's house at 6 p.m. The mere idea made Chan excited. They had gotten out of school less than an hour ago but they didn't have to rush since Felix and Chan made to pack anything the night before.

And speaking of Woojin in general, he was an angel. If Chan believed there was some sort of god above in heaven that cared about them, he would definitely assure that God had sent Kim Woojin to his life to make it better. He was so sweet and funny, and Chan felt like he could lean on him and forget about his worries for a few minutes. Because somehow, Kim Woojin managed to make his every day a bit better.

Like the day after they talked for the first time when Woojin got to the classroom and said hello to him. But he didn't say it, the older guy learned how to say hello in KSL just for him and Chan was sure that nothing made him softer or gave him a warmer feeling than that during the entire day. Somehow, Chan was starting to feel like the storm had passed and the calm had come into his life. And he couldn't help it but feel thankful to those who brought happiness to him.

Chan walked out of his room and made his way to Felix's, staying on the opened door looking at his brother who was putting on some sneakers. He knocked on the door to make his presence be noticed.

"Are you ready?" Chan asked as Felix finishes tying his shoelaces.

"Yeah, just give me a minute," the blonde/pink/orange haired one answered, going to his mirror and giving himself a last look in the reflective object.

"You look good, although Changbin wouldn't mind if you just looked just like every day," Chan said with a smirk on his face.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Felix said, going for his backpack and giving Chan a confused look.

Chan raised a suggestive eyebrow, "You two seem to match up pretty well."

"Haha," Felix laughed with irony. "Have you seen yourself with Woojin?" Chan frowned.

"I have no idea what you mean, but let's get going now," Chan answered, and turned around, leaving through the corridor towards the main door of their house.

On his way out, he checked the group chat and couldn't help it but burst in laughter with the new name: The Seven Dwarves and The Twin Towers. Those definitely had to be Seungmin and Hyunjin, and the rest of them were the dwarves. He oversaw some of the many messages he hadn't read and at the end found a picture of Minho and Woojin smiling with the caption 'I arrived first!' Chan smiled.


Woojin was nervous.

Not even nervous, Woojin was afraid. Afraid of the fact that the guy that was now his almost one-month-old crush, was coming to his house. Of course, his friends would come too, but he was used to having them over all the time, they seemed to think that Woojin's house was theirs or something like that.

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