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As I had promised him, I was going to Alex's small family gathering next weekend (Alex said it was so I could meet them all) and I wanted to make a good impression so I was shopping for some nice clothes to wear. My mother had given me a two hundred dollar budget to spend on my entire outfit including shoes and I made sure to pick out one of the nicest things I could find. I was shopping with my friends, who I used to hang out a lot with before Alex; We all wanted to catch up on things but every single one of them seemed more interested in my romance with Alex than their own lives so I was doing mostly all of the talking. At the moment I was searching through a rack of dresses while they were asking me why it was such a big deal to impress his family when his mom already liked me.

"Just because his mother likes me it doesn't mean the rest of his family will," I told them.

"Well they kind of have to like you, Cheryl," Chloe replied. "Things between you and Alex are getting pretty serious."

"Yeah I think Chloe has a point," Jason added. "Just the fact that he actually asked you to be his girlfriend before he ever made out with you makes things serious between the both of you."

"Alex respects my decision of not kissing random dudes, so what?" I defended. It's not that I had a problem with their opinions but I wouldn't be too convinced unless Alex told me himself.

"Oh really?" Lauren teased. "So he hasn't tried getting you in bed either? You know the typical Alex Constancio game."

"What game?" I stupidly asked. I knew exactly what she was talking about I was just in denial.

"You know, having sex with girls and then dumping them? He hasn't even tried that with you has he?"

I stayed silent not wanting to answer truthfully. I didn't want to lie either though so silence was my best choice. At least at the moment I felt like it was because seconds later Michael started making assumptions.

"He has tried to hasn't he?" Michael smirked. This made me go red in embarrasment.

"Oh my goodness!" Aby laughed. "Cheryl did you lose your virginity to Alex?"

"What?! No!" I immediately clarified.

"Oh whatever just admit it!" Lauren teased.

"I haven't guys! I swear!" I insisted.

"So what was the silence for?!" Michael continued to tease me. They were all laughing because to them it was all some kind of a game. Well not to me. Alex isn't going to lay me out then dump me. First of all because I want to wait until marriage and secondly because I've learned my lesson from my mom. I might as well tell them though. Just so they could quit making those dirty assumptions.

"He might've tried to... and we got close to actually doing it but I stopped him before I did something that I'd regret," I said in shame. I can't believe I almost let Alex take my virginity from me. I may be really fond of him but I can't let that happen. It'd go against all my morals.

The laughter suddenly ceased. They all looked at me in disbelief. As if I had said something terrible or just plain shocking.

"He didn't pressure you into it?" Chloe asked hesitantly.

"No he didn't," I shrugged.

"And he was cool with you... not having sex with him?" Jason added.

"Oh my goodness you guys! You're all so, so annoying! Alex doesn't go around sleeping with random whores you know! He might've been with a few, three to be exact, but he doesn't go around sleeping with random bimbos! You guys need to open your eyes and realize that he's not what people, or more specifically girls, make him seem like! Alex is a really sweet guy and he's really caring. He's a beautiful person both on the inside and out... the way you guys make him sound like some desperate sex machine just pisses me off and I don't want to hear another stupid comment like that about him again, got it?!"

Ok rant out, but now I had to deal with every single one of my friends giving me yet another look of disbelief. They were shocked because I had snapped at them. It was pretty bad.

"I think this relationship is more serious that we had assumed," Chloe said breaking the silence. "You really have feelings for him don't you?"

"Yeah I do," I silently whispered. "I think I might be falling in love with him."

"Are you serious?" Aby squeaked. "That is the cutest thing ever."

"We should go," I silently said. I got embarrassed after admitting my feelings to them so I started walking out of the store. I guess my dress would have to wait.


"So you haven't told her?"

Austin continued to interrogate me about the same stupid subject ever since prom and it hasn't done anything more than piss me off. I mean I love Austin (no homo) but he's been getting on my nerves with his 'you have to tell her the truth' lectures. It just annoys the living shit out of me.

"No I haven't told her man!" I snapped. "Why should I anyways? It's not like she's going to find out!"

"You know how Robert and Zach are," Austin warned. "They can't keep their mouths shut to save their own lives, especially when it's something like this. She'll end up putting two and two together with all those damn hints they've been dropping and she won't forgive you. If you tell her she can possibly accept it and forgive you. Why are you so scared to tell her anyways? It's not like she'll beat you half to death."

That's the problem here. I wasn't afraid of her beating me half to death but I was afraid to tell her. I don't want to lose her and if I tell her everything then she'll end things with me in an instant. I don't want that to happen. I love her too much to- wait what?!

I love her? No! I can't... can I?

"Alex?" Austin interrupted my thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"You never answered my question."

"I'm afraid to lose her Austin," I sighed. "I think I'm falling in love with Cheryl Dawson."

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