Chapter 16

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After Jihoon played my piano we left for Pledias Entertainment. I was scared, what if I'm a rookie for awhile? What if it'll be years when I debut? What if I don't make it at all? Jihoon called an uber to come pick us up. We sat there in silence. I was to worried. "You'll do great Y/N. Trust me, you'll do great" His smile was big and gave me reassurance. I gave him a worried smiled and my thoughts over took me.
It didn't take us long to get to Pledias and I stared at the building. Jihoon grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. "I'll go grab my boss and my manager, stay here!" He gave me a big smile and left. I stood in the lobby. It wasn't the most glamorous of lobbies but it was still quiet stunning. Jihoon soon came back with who I was assuming was his manager and the CEO of Pledias. "You must be miss Y/N?" The CEO questioned, I nodded in response. I bowed politely. "Its very nice to meet you sir" he laughed put his hand on my shoulder. "There's no need to be so polite, follow us" I nodded. Me and Jihoon followed behind the CEO and his Manager. We entered this music booth that had guitars of all kinds, they had a piano and assortment of different instruments. "Alright Miss Y/N, we will let you practice and prepare your song for 5-6 hours, if you finish early let Jihoon know and he will come get us" I nodded and they left. I smiled and relaxed immediately. I went to work and I practice playing assortment of songs I've written and played before. I need to do the one I wrote about him. I practiced each chord and played it over and over before singing to it. Jihoon sat back and watched me go to town. "Stop rushing, you'll be burned out before the audition even starts" Jihoon joked. I laughed and kept practicing, no sign of stopping. I wanted to use my 5-6 hours to my advantage. I wanted to add certain notes to make it sound better and I would ask Jihoon which sounded better and I would play it all at once. I practiced for 3 hours. Most of that time was working on the song and not the lyrics. I silently sang to myself as a I played to make sure it sounded smooth and to see if it sounded good. I played aloud and asked Jihoon for advice. "It sounds great Y/N!" His smile was wide and reassuring. He really likes it. "What's the song about?" The question took me aback for a moment. "That's for you to find out Jihoon-a" I smiled. I relaxed with Jihoon the rest of the 2 hours. It was nice to talk to him again and catch up. There was a knock on the door and Jihoon opened it to reveal the CEO and Jihoons Manager. "I hope you two didn't talk the whole 5 hours" the CEO joked. I assured him we didn't. "Alright miss Y/N, show us what you got" I nodded and at the piano and placed my hands on the keys. My hands were sweaty and my heart was racing. I hoped and prayed I wouldn't slip up over sweaty palms and nervousness. "Whenever your ready miss Y/N" Jihoon manager spoke. I nodded and smiled "I'm ready"

~heyo! Sorry for the absence, I had my phone stolen sooooo I haven't really been able to do anything and I apologize and I know I'm leaving this chapter on a cliff hanger but I hope you enjoyed this chapter non the less :)~

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