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"... He's waking up..."

These were the first words I heard when I suddenly felt a seize of breath squeeze its way into my empty lungs. I coughed as I tried to sit up, only meeting the painful glass around me. It encased me like I was some sort of Snow White.

I clutched my throbbing head and scrunched up my nose, putting my other hand to the glass in front of my face. The person watching me seemed to look slightly embarrassed, and started quickly typing something into a little see-through screen in front of his face. And finally, the glass disappeared, letting me take a breath of fresh air.

The person who had released me from my glass prison had become more calm in expressions. He placed his hand on my blanket, showing a large tattoo in the palm of his hand that was in the shape of a heart and it was blue with a tiny green heart inside of it. He spoke gently, "I'm Blue." He stared at me, expecting an answer. I took this time to look him over, a small beauty mark under his right eye, brown hair seemingly hand cut, and just a nice face in general.

 I took this time to look him over, a small beauty mark under his right eye, brown hair seemingly hand cut, and just a nice face in general

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I looked down at my own hand, but frowned as I didn't have a mark on my hand. He looked over my hands too, a frown on his face now. He pushed my hands towards me, gently of course. "That's weird... You should have a mark. Maybe it just hasn't shown up...? I mean, everyone else has a mark on their hand..." He seemed to be talking to himself slightly, so I didn't involve myself.

But then I realised what he'd said, eyes widening as I reached forwards and grabbed the male's shoulder, to which he just looked unamused by, "Wait, there are others?"

By this, Blue's face suddenly lit up and he nodded quickly. "Yeah... I was the first one to wake up, and had to figure out how to get out of the glass thing myself. Then came the others. We all have little worlds that were programmed before we woke up. I don't know by who, but... Yeah. We all have our own homes and such. Would you like to meet the others and see what theirs look like? Oh, and..." He trailed off, pointing to the casing I was held in, "We all came with one possession."

I blinked and got up out of the bed quickly, a photo falling to the ground beside my foot. I cautiously picked up the paper, and turned it over to see a photo of a whole group of people, only kind of familiar to me but only one of them caught my attention. He had such a pretty smile and the most gorgeous eyes... But I couldn't name him. Maybe he was important to me.

The boy who called himself Blue gently grabbed my arm, pulling me in the direction of a long hall. There were three doors on one side, and three on another, and one at the end.

"We won't be going in mine... Since it's just a room. It's really warm and not in a weird way... Just like... Being in a lover's arms, I guess." He shrugged, before pointing to a door on the left.

"Let's go in this one fi-" I interrupted him, "Wait, before we go... How did we all get here?" This question seemed to make him feel dejected.

He spoke gently, "Something happened on Earth, so they sent 7 people into space in hopes that we'd find a place and survive. Unfortunately, we're here but there's no reception. So we don't know whether they're around anymore or if they've forgotten about us... I approximate that it's been about 8 years since we left. We haven't aged at all but..." He went quiet, showing me that he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

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