New School, New Everything

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The sun shone brightly through the car window, it had barely crept up the horizon, staining the sky brilliant shades of pink and orange. You impatiently shifted in the car seat, clutching your Robotics Club application pamphlet close to your chest.
"Are you excited for your first day of school, (Y/N)?"
"Of course I am, Dad! This school has the best Robotics program! Why wouldn't I be excited?"
"Heh, you're such a big nerd." He teased.
"Hey! It's not not like you're any better! You have an action figure collection!"
"Psh, got me there." He shrugged.
The colorful sky had beautifully silhouetted the city skyline, you smiled and clutched the pamphlet even tighter. "Today's the day." You muttered quietly. "Today's the day."

Later that morning, you stood at the front doors of the small school, "Huh, it was a lot bigger on the website, whatever."
You could hear the scuttle of children and robots alike, the interior walls of the building were graffitied with varying colors of permanent marker, many of the words written were cuss words. The floors were a worn concrete, badly scuffed and most of the paint had been scratched away by the soles of shoes.
"Uh, wow, okay. Well, you can't judge a book by its cover, let's get to class." You continued along the marble hallways constantly looking down at your schedule, wondering if you're even in the correct wing. You'd signed up for all the Robotics related classes, you love robots, everything robot, and you've been told this school had the best Robotics classes and clubs, let's just say, you were excited.

After finding your first class, you shimmied into the first chair closest to the door, you folded your hands neatly and bounced your leg, awaiting the teacher's green light to begin class. Suddenly, right as the bell rang, two figures popped through the door, One of them was a short girl with purple side cut hair, and the other was a slightly taller robot.
"Mai, you're late, again." The teacher grumbled
"Whoopsie, guess I was spending too much time being super amazingly awesome, am I right, Seven?" The girl pointed finger guns at the robot, he just looked confused.
"Amazingly a-awesome? I, uh, Oh! Right! Yeah,  totally."
"Go. Sit. Down." The teacher snarled.
The girl shrugged, and gently elbowed her robot friend, who followed her to back of the room where two empty chairs stood. Now, at this point, the teacher had started to blather on about something, but you had all your attention focused on the robot, he had one of the most impressive designs you had ever seen, the armored shell, the sleek glass dome, he had a very sturdy, yet elegant design, plus the little green eyes were an adorable touch. The robot eventually caught you staring, a small smile appeared onto his screen, before awkwardly shifting his gaze off to the side and back.
"(Y/N)?" The teacher called out.
"Hm? Oh! Yes, teacher?"
"...You were supposed to say 'Here' or something, but I guess that works too."
The class laughed.
"Ah, right." You sank down your chair out of slight embarrassment, fiddling with your hands, you glanced back at the robot, the purple haired girl was trying to teach him how to hold a book correctly. You looked back  at your desk and started to pull out your journal. You looked back at the girl and her robot one last time before writing notes in your journal.

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