Chapter 8: The Fight

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The next day, Doku was really tired, because he was unable to sleep after hearing what Mayu had to say. He was thinking about it all night long. "How could I be this so called Key? I never have been anyone important. I've never done anything important. I'm just me. But, why is it me?" He kept thinking and thinking and was still thinking when he waked down to the bus stop. "Hey! Doku! Did you know Niomi and I are going out? Yeah! It's awesome, right?" Doku just sat there, feeling resentful, betrayed, and jealousy. He wanted Niomi, and he loved her. He saw her first. He... He is thinking so hard about it he doesn't even hear Levi yelling at him. "Doku! DOKU!" "Hmm?", Doku looks around confused. "What?" "I was explaining to you our relationship.", he rants on. The bus pulls up and they get on. Niomi isn't on today. Levi starts to worry and keeps talking about how he will keeps her safe and going on and on until Doku had enough. "Stop it already! All you have been doing is talking about Niomi Niomi Niomi! Just stop! No one cares anymore! I've had enough!", He explodes. Levi gasps. "Your jealous. You just want to be with Niomi, but I am. So you are jealous of me. Wow. That's really low man. Just get over yourself. You were never going to get her anyway." Doku didn't have anything to say. He wanted to run away an cry and be alone for the rest of his life, but no. He couldn't. He had to be strong to show his friend up. "I hope your happy you lost your best friend over a girl, Levi. I just hope you are satisfied at the end of the day with your choice of someone you met a day ago and someone you've known your whole life." The bus stopped and Doku stormed off, not looking back at his friend.

Niomi lays in the hospital after what had happened to her. Her parents were driving her to Drama Club, and got into a car crash. Niomi lays passed out while doctors and nurses run around frantically trying to keeps her alive. "Doctor! It looks like she will be ok!"

The doctors sit in the lounge, chatting away while eating a midnight snack, talking about the events that just went on. "I feel bad for that girl. When she wakes up, you won't have her parents to comfort her." "I think we should just tell her that her parents are in the hospital and they will be fine. She would be devastated if she found out... But she will know eventually." "Your right. And when she finds out, who is she going to scream and shout and yell at? Us!" The doctors argued and argued.

Doku sat alone, once again, at the lunch table, being bullied. He wanted to end it all, to take the easy way out. He was thinking about it long and hard, and saw that there was nothing to loss. When he got home, he took some of his moms pills in his hand, lifted his hand above his mouth, and...

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