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Update cause I love you.

And I love Michael's cute, innocent face in Amnesia video. Still not getting over it.

U guys are cute.

I have no better name for this chapter..

Tristan POV

I watch as people bustling around the room, trying to clean the mess of the falling lamps.

I roam my eyes across the room, meeting Cameron eyes and smirk at him. He's done quiet a job today.

My eyes then dart to the black haired boy, also known as Calum Hood, or in my opinion, parasite.

I watch as he wrap his arm around another boy with brown hair (Michael has brown hair in here, like he did on the Heartbreak Girl era) shoulder.

Michael Clifford.

My next target.

My smirk grow wider. This would be a lot of fun.

"Just watch Calum, I'll make sure you'll lose someone's so important to you, just like me." I whisper darkly as I watch them left the room.

(I hate Tristan, bye.)

Michael POV

I could still feel my whole body shaking in Calum's embrace. I almost lose Ash, again, for a second time in a week prior.

Who hates us so much that they could think of hurting us, even worse, kill us, like that?

"Michael, you okay?" Calum's voice breaks me from my thought. His brown eyes wide and seems so sincere and it looks so beautiful.

Wait, beautiful? I mean, I'm not that straight, but did I really think that Calum's eyes is beautiful?

Apparently I did.

"I- uh, yeah. I'm just, still in shock... I guess." I stutter my answer out, suddenly feeling nervous with the closeness of Calum's face with mine.

"We should get going now, we still have interviews to do." Ashton says with warm smile.

"And I thing we would need to talk to Calum's father and your management after your interviews are done. I'll ring them and tell them about the situation we faced." Luke announce as he take Ashton's hand in his, keeping the oldest boy close to him.

I could see Ashton blushing furiously and I know I would need to have a long, deep conversation with Ashton about this.


All the interviews went nicely. Most of them have heard what happened with the lamp almost fall on Ashton and killed him and most were talking about it.

Just like the first interview, we introduced Luke and Calum, and they got asked lots of questions which they answer with the scripted answers. (Really all they said in every interview was their name, age, where they're from, and that they're our bestfriends. Nothing less and nothing more.) And I could see some girls are going crazy about them. (I don't blame them though, Calum and Luke are hot.)

After that, we drive to the management office. Cameron declined to come with us, saying he isn't that important at the meeting and he doesn't think that the psycho would be targeting him since he wasn't that big of a part to the band, which Ashton and I call bullshit.

"Aw come on Cam, what if that psycho hurt you when you're not with us? You're a big part of the band too Cam! And we don't want you hurt!" Ashton exclaimed as Cameron keeps declining to come with us.

"Listen kiddo, I'll be fine. Whoever tried to hurt you won't hurt me. You both are the target, not me. Besides, meetings aren't really my thing. I rather lie on my couch and watch bad movie rather than sit still in a meeting room. I'll be fine, promise." We scowl when he called us kiddo, since he's not that much older, only few months older than Ashton. But we reluctantly agree to letting Cameron go home.

"Fine, but I won't visit you in the hospital if the psycho hurts you." I pout.

"Nah. You'll come crying to my room and begging me to get better soon. I know you better Clifford."

"Okay, fine, you're right. Take care though."

"I will. You should be worrying more about yourself Michael." I swear I pick on something in his voice but I don't really know what it is, so I just shrug it off as concern.

"Well, if you're all okay with me being gone, I better go now. There's someone waiting for me home. See ya Ash, Mikey. Take care of them yeah Cal, Luke?" Calum and Luke nod their head at him and he salute back, leaving the building.

"Now I worry about him. Why can't management provide bodyguard for Cameron too?" Ashton pout once Cameron's gone from our sight.

"Well, probably because of what he said was right. This psycho targeting you and Ashton, he clearly made that statement in the note. So maybe they don't see the need in giving Cameron a bodyguard. Besides, Cameron seems strong enough to defend himself." Calum explains.

"Oh well, come on, we need to do the meeting." They all nod at me and we walk inside the building.


The meeting's longer than I thought it would be and I instantly knew why Cam was so against it. It's boring a hell.

Management frantically said about getting more guards, which Ash and I refused because we think Calum and Luke are doing a great job at keeping us safe.

Calum's dad asks for the note and he said that he would ask his best man to trace someone who wrote it.

After much saying about how to keep Ash and I safe, we finally being released. Much to our pleasure because interviews has worn us down so much.

Once in the van, I quickly fall asleep, using Calum's shoulder as my pillow. I could feel his fingers playing in my hair softly.

And maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to fall for him.



Sorry that this is kind of filler.

The ships would start sailing (hopefully) next chapter!

Oooh, Mikey's falling for Calum ;-)

And thank you for all of you who said that you like this story. You make me all giddy inside.

See you guys whenever ;-)

Sasha x

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