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"Jiminie baby, come here," Namjoon called out for the little one. He wasn't exactly little anymore per say, the rascal only being seven years of age. Still, he was small in height with a slightly chubby face.

"Yes Daddy?" Jimin tilted his head, looking up from where he sat on the floor playing with his train set. The blue train was still in hand, little fingers playing with the wheels of the toy. Namjoon patted on his lap.

Quickly but carefully, Jimin put away his toys, Daddy hated the house being messy, and bounced over to his daddy. Jimin giggled when Daddy lifted him up onto his lap with a groan.

"You laughing at Daddy's pain, huh?" Namjoon scrunched his nose. Jimin smiled and nodded excitedly. "Lil monster." Namjoon brought his fingers up and Jimin squealed, knowing what was about to come.

"Daddy! No wait!"  He tried to squirm out of his father's grip but the hold was strong. Jimin couldn't escape when the older's fingers attacked his abdomen. Laughter filled the home, as per usual.

Namjoon stared at his baby fondly and chuckled, he loved cute moments such as these. Jimin's hands wrapped around his, trying to pry his hands off but it was fruitless. "Daddy!" Jiminie whined, still giggly.

He finally let Jimin have mercy and released his fingers from the shaking boy. Small laughs left Jimin as he panted for a breath. "You gonna tease Daddy again, baby?" Namjoon playfully stuck out his tongue. He was so cute, Namjoon loved him so so much.

"Mmmm... yes!" Namjoon gave a shocked face, "really?! Why! What happened to my sweet Jiminie?" The father gave fake sniffling sounds. Jimin bounced on his daddy's lap slightly. "He's right hereee." He tried to get his Daddy's attention but it wasn't working.

"Hmm, I don't see him," Namjoon smirked, looking around Jimin's head in a joking matter. This was one of his favorite game with his son. Jimin whined, "Daddy I'm hereee," and cuddled into his chest. Namjoon finally looked down at the boy, "oh there you are baby."

Jimin smiles, "I'm always gonna be here Daddy." He curled into his chest more, basking in his father's scent. Namjoon gave a little hum, "right you are baby.. Now, want to see what I brought."

The news caused Jimin to sit up straighter, "yes please Daddy." Namjoon reached over to the nightstand and Jimin's eyes followed. He gasped, "photo albums!" Jimin loved to look back on the pictures. He found it fun, even if he hasn't aged much since they started.

"Correct," Namjoon fixed Jimin on his lap so it was a bit more comfortable for him. "Which one do you want to start with?" There was a pink album, a yellow album, and blue album. Yellow was Jimin's favorite color, making that album the largest one.

"That one." A chubby little finger pointed at the smallest of the three, the blue one. "Your baby picture huh?" Namjoon pecked Jimin's temple, "such a cutie." He placed the album over Jimin's lap, so they could both see.

The first picture was when Jimin was only five years old. He was sporting an all black outfit with some swimming goggles. "I remember that! That was when we played spies! I look coool." Namjoon chuckled in embarrassment, "can't say I look the same," he pointed to himself.

Namjoon looked slightly awkward standing there. The picture was a little blurry and one of Jimin's pudgy finger was seen in the right corner of the frame. Before, Jimin had told him to a cool pose but ended up doing nothing.

"I think you look handsome Daddy." Jimin looked up, bumping the back of his head on Namjoon's chest. "Thank you baby, you look cute yourself." Jimin pouted, "not cute. Cool." "Right baby, cool."

He flipped to the next page. Namjoon and Jimin took a selfie when having a tea party. Jimin was especially happy because they made real tea, cookies, and brownies for the occasion. Although, that night, he had a really bad tummy ache.

Jimin gasped, "can we do that again soon?" "Whatever you like baby," Namjoon replied. Jimin squealed, moving to the next page. Namjoon cringed from Jimin's lack of care of the pages. He'll smooth them out again later that night.

They went through two albums and yet Jimin's age was still the same. "Daddy, why are there no baby baby pictures of me?" Jimin asked, looking up at his daddy to respond. He wanted to see himself as a tiny, pink blob!

Namjoon hummed for a moment, thinking. "Because your Daddy is an oldie. There were no cameras then," Namjoon jokes, sticking out his tongue. Jimin squeaks when he laughs and it makes Namjoon want to melt. He loved his baby.

"Daddy's gonna get wrinkly! But I'll still love you!" Jimin laughs, hugging his farther with a loose grip.

"I won't be wrinkly!" Namjoon complained in fake offense. Jimin giggles, "yes you will daddy." He pokes at his father's face, "I already see some around your eyes! And your hair will turn grey!"

"Don't make me bring out the tickle monster again," Namjoon smirked, raising up his arm to tease the younger. The look on Jimin's innocent face made him want to coo. "No tickle monster, nooo!"

Jimin tried to wiggle away but Namjoon trapped him with his legs. "You can't escape me," he pecked the top of the younger's head. Jimin was wiggling in his hold. His little boy was so adorable, trying with a determined look on his face.

"I can try!" Jimin squirmed, scrunching his little nose, and pushing his way around Namjoon's legs. Namjoon laughed and let Jimin get away from him. The look on Jimin's face was worth it.

"Daddy!" Jimin gasped, proud of himself for making it out of the trap. He was laughing and trying to catch his breath. He loved the days where Daddy didn't have to go to work. They got to spend the whole day together.

Namjoon's timer on his phone went off. It was to the tune of Winnie the Pooh, his son's favorite television show. "Look's like dinner's ready. Can you be a big boy Jiminie and set the table up while I get dinner?"

Jimin scrambled to a stiff, standing position."Yes sir!" Jimin saluted, squealing and speed-walking off the the dining area. He didn't want to get in trouble again for running in the house. Especially not on a good day such as this.

Namjoon laughed, standing up from the couch. He set the photo albums on the table stand and went to the kitchen. He prepared boiled chicken and macaroni and cheese with broccoli for dinner.

He heard Jimin humming in the background to some children's show. "Daddy, I finished!" Namjoon was arranging Jimin's plate for him, making sure to place extra pieces of broccoli. "Good boy, I'll bring out your food in a second. Milk, juice, or water?"

There was silence, Jimin thinking over the options. He was kicking his feet in the air from his seat at the table. "Mmm, milk please."

"Thank you for the manners, baby," Namjoon placed the plate in front of Jimin. The boy knew not to start eating until his dad was seated as well. Jimin preened at the praise. "You'll get another star on your paper after dinner."

Jimin squealed! The rule was if Jimin had ten stars by the end of the week, he could choose a prize from the 'prize box.' The prize box varied from stickers to lolly pops to new colored pencils. Small, fun prizes. Jimin's go-to reward were kids temporary tattoos. He loved the ocean pack his Daddy usually got him.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Namjoon smiled, going back to the kitchen to get his food.

His baby was so adorable, he wanted to protect him for forever.


Welcome back to a new story! I'm really excited for this story. This story doesn't really have any ships so sorry if that's what you were looking for.
How do you like it so far??
Anyways, hope you stick around for this story <3

COVER BY hopefulmin

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