The Signs When Their Crush Asks Them Out

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Aries: Wait, what just happened?

Taurus: Okay, only if we get food.

Gemini: *calls best friend*

Cancer: *Awkward Silence*

Leo: I knew, you'd ask. Wait, did I say that out loud? I mean, yeah totally!

Virgo: *Laughs hysterically not believing it's happening*

Libra: Very cool, just says yes.

Scorpio: *Coughs up diet coke*

Sagittarius: *really squeaky voice* "Yes" *runs hand through hair* "I mean, yeah, sure, cool, man."

Capricorn: *Makes a really dirty joke*

Aquarius: "Hell yeah, I was wondering when you'd ask"

Pisces: *Smirks* Sure you can handle this? *Gestures to self*

A/n, I modified some of these to make them more accurate. Anyways, question is, If your crush asked you out, how would you react?

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