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Snow pov
I DO NOT ALWAYS RUN and I'll show you I'm stronger than you think I am
You may think I'm still the nice and shy and weak girl you met but your wrong I am stronger than before and I'm not afraid of you jaemin
Jaemin:then prove it you weak person

I slapped jaemin I AM NOT WEAK but I'm not going to waste my precious time on you so leav me and my boyfriend alone if you know what's good for you

Taehyung pov
I have never seen snow like this and I got to say it was kind of hot but I think I see a teacher coming snow let's go I see a teacher coming snow:ok with that we left and we left there a dumb folded jaemin

Snow pov
Ok I got to admit I have never stood up to anyone like that it's like I'm two faced one side is nice and caring and the other side is rude and agresive well that should teach him a lesson
Hey tae I just got a text from ally she said if we wanted to go

With her and the new kid rap mon to the karaoke place that close by tae:sure we arrived and went in the room I went first I sang

And ally sang

And v sang

AAnd rap mon sang

After singing a lot more songs we all went home

Hey it's your girl ok no that's weird so sorry for not posting 😢 but I have been busy with school but I want to do a Q and A so if you have any questions to ask thank you for reading by my angles 😀🤗

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