twenty seven

26 1 0

Snows povk
It is now tomorrow/Friday which means my date with tae and Juhyeons date with jimin she is here at my house
We are both getting ready Juhyeon: do you think I look nice yes Juhyeon for the 100th time you look amazing Juhyeon:you 100 yes I'm 100 I say and smile while rolling my eyes

Taehyung pov
I'm currently at jimin's house we are both getting ready for our date we all decided to make it a double date Tae:jimin do you really think she will say yes jimin:of course she will she loves you relax tae take:ok thanks I'm just nervous jimin:don't be trust me she will say yes

Snow pov
We had gone out side because tae text me saying that they where already out side me and tae sat in front since he was driving and jimin was in the back seat with Juhyeon we arrived at the restaurant (restaurant name)

We say down at a table and the waiter gave us our menu waiter:here you guys go I'll be right back to take your order

Tae's pov
I see the waiter wink at snow oh no he did not snow:tae calm down just ignore it what do you mean just ignore it he winked at my GIRL

Snows pov
I shiver went down my spine when tae said my girl it's not because he said my girl it's just the way he said it in a more deep voice it just made me shiver

Time skip after the dinner

Taehyung pov
Ok jimin is everything ready jimin:yup I just texted the guys they said everything is ready stop worrying so tae everything going to go as planned I promise ok..

Snows pov
We where walking through a park when all of a sudden I see that all the cherry blossoms had fairy lights on them

Snows povWe where walking through a park when all of a sudden I see that all the cherry blossoms had fairy lights on them

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(Sorry this the best Picture that I could find since I need it to be night and have lights on the trees so) 

All of a sudden tae and his friends start to sing i also see my brother there smiling at me  ( the song In the video) tae what's going I start to walk towards taehyung and his friends

all of a sudden taehyung grabs my hand and starts kneeling t.. Tae what are you doing taehyung: tuan Snow will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me

Snows pov
I.. I yes taehyung I will marry you I say smiling like an idiot he jumps up and he spins me around while smiling tae:I'm so happy you said yes how could I say no to the man I love

Time skip graduation day

Snows pov
Tae I can't believe we will finally graduated and finish school Tae:I know I'm so happy I am too I'm so excited I don't have to get up early anymore

Taehyung: haha I'm excited for that to but you know what I'm more excited for no snow:what is it  that we will get married soon snow:I can't wait either       you know 3 months after this you will become Mrs. Kim Snow

I'm so excited to write there wedding I hope you guys liked this chapter because I did 🤷‍♀ 😊😊😊

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