tweenty one

30 1 0

Snow's pov
We wherr at the airport to drop off my brother mark since he was only able to stay for a few days bye mark

Mark:bye snow *hugs* ill come visit soon

And with that he walked away i feel kinda sad since i was only able to spend a few days with him before he had to go back to new york but after we left the airport and said our goodbyes then me and tae we left to the store because

We where going to watch meet the Robinson so we where going to go get snacks

Time skip later at night

Snows pov
After tae had to leave i went to bed because it was 10 and we have school/jail tomorrow

Time skip morning at school
Snows pov
I was in science class and i was sitting next to ally and tae teacher:hello good morning class today we have three new students

I hope u guys like this chapter i know it was super short but im still trying to decide who to add to my story i have one person in mind i need two more so if u can comment some people please i would appreciate that

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