Legacy (Chrobin Week)

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I am not one for poetry or prose so I'll try my best to express the meanings of each and every word I write. A job like this is fit for a minstrel or bard, but they do not know this story as much as I do. This is the story of two extraordinary people, whose lives intertwined and changed the shape of the world forever.

There once was a young prince born to a warrior king and saint-like queen. The prince was said to have his father's spirit but his mother's heart, traits that frequently battled with each other. His father was a terrible man who started a bloody war full of hate and false justice. Many believed that this prince would turn into his father and his destiny was written before he even spoke a word.

At a very young age, the prince lost his parents. The Warrior King fell in battle and Saint Queen passed during childbirth. Their legacies fell upon him and his sisters; for good or for bad, no one may know.

However, the young prince followed his own path and began writing his own legacy. He used his father's sword for justice and peace and mother's kindness to guide others. He grew into a man that many admire, but his story is not over yet. No, there is one thing missing.

There once was a girl born to a demonic father and courageous mother. The girl's birth purpose was to be the vessel of a dark god. Her father cared little for her and his only objective was to sacrifice his own child. Her destiny was written the second she was born, and she had no say in the matter.

However, luck was on the girl's side. Her mother loved her with everything she was and stole her away before her father could do any of his plans. She was raised on the run and wilds, her mother her only companion. The legacy of her father was kept secret and hidden; it seemed to be broken as the girl grew up.

The girl's mother raised her to create a new legacy, one filled with light and truth. She learned strategy and became a skilled tactician. But the tactician's journey was brought to a sudden tragedy as her mother was killed in front of her very eyes. She had no time to grieve. No, her past was forgotten and lost, and a brand new story was about to be written.

The prince and the tactician's fates were finally intertwined in a chance meeting, one that neither would ever forget. The prince trusted the tactician whole-heartedly and they soon started their long journey together. They pushed their way through every battle with the prince's strength and tactician's cunning.

Soon, they were at war. The prince felt as though the legacy of his father was back on his shoulders, but the tactician reminded him that that was not the case: the enemy kingdom started it and his only fault was protecting his sister and kingdom. The two forged a bond stronger than any steel and soon learned that they could not live without the other.

As you might have guessed, the two fell in love. The prince proposed to the tactician and the rest turns into a much longer story. They kept their relationship a secret for a very long time, not coming out with it until the war was done and over.

However, another legacy was forced upon the prince's shoulders. The Exalt, his sister, took her own life to spare him from a world-changing decision. Next in line for the throne, the prince had no choice but to take her place. It was up to the prince to end the war - to decide the fate of his kingdom and all its inhabitants. The prince was about to fall into darkness, but a light pulled him out: the tactician.

The prince and his army went up against the Mad King in a battle that would determine the result of the war. The battle was hard fought, but no army could defeat the strength of the prince and tactician. They emerged from the battle victoriously and peace was brought back to the kingdom. But the previous exalt's legacy still laid on the prince and he could not shake it off.

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