Chapter 5

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We all ordered our pizza and we were on our way to my place. My place wasn't small, it was quite big, but not a mansion. It was originally a 2 person house, and you being you, you wanted to have more space, and since you owned a dance studio you could afford it just fine. As you were walking to your place the guys were joking around. "Jimin" Yeah?" Namjoon put on his serious face. "You got no jams" Jimin took Namjoon in a headlock and was yelling at him to stop saying that. I chuckled, and after a while we arrived at my house. Your house was a penthouse on the top of a large building, so you had to go through the lobby to get to the elevator.

When you stepped through the glass door, you heard no one follow you. You turned around and saw all their faces look at you, clearly confused. I motioned for them to get in. One by one they went through the door until they were all inside. "Um, noona, not to be rude or anything, but what are we doing here?" Jungkook said with a little voice, close to a whisper.

"Um, I live here?"

I swear to god, if their eyes got any bigger I was certain they we going to pop out of their skull. "Y-you live, h-here? But we're at Wayne Interprices,(please tell me my Gotham fans out there get the joke🤣) one of the biggest business company's in Korea?!" I chuckled slightly while walking to the elevator. "Well, I am the daughter of the CEO, so I don't think that me living here is such a big surprise." I slid me key card and pushed on the elevator button. "Are you coming or are you just going to stand there?" Slowly they walked towards me and stepped in the elevator.

Once the doors opened and I stepped inside, the boys followed my actions without a word. I didn't even get the say anything, because the second we got to the living room all chaos broke loose. Namjoon sprinted to the window to look at the view, Tae looked at all the art pieces, Jungkook just stood next to him admiring too, Hobi went to the couch to see how soft it was, and Jin went ballistic over my carpet. I just smiled and shook my head. I made my way to the kitchen to grab a drink. As I was looking inside the fridge I felt two arms on my hips. I quickly turned around and saw Yoongi stand there, smirking. I blushed a little and turned back around before I got a chance to stare at him. "You almost gave me a heart attack!!" I exclaimed loudly while closing the fridge and grabbing a drink.

"Did I? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to check up on you." He gave me a warm smile. "I-I'm fine! Do you, uh, want something to drink?" I asked, cursing myself for stuttering. "Sure, you have some Coke?" I nodded. "Yeah, it's in the fridge, I'll get you a glass" I said as I turned around. But because I took the last glass on the bottom cupboard, I had to reach for the one on the top. And it was just my luck that I was too frickin small. Even as I stood on my toes, I couldn't reach it all the way.

Yoongi's POV:

As I grabbed the bottle of Coke out of the fridge, I turned around to see y/n standing on her toes, trying to reach a glass on the top cupboard. I chuckled and went up behind her. As my chest came in contact with her back she froze. I grabbed the glass and put it in front of her. I lowered my head a bit and whispered in her ear. "There you go, princess"

Y/n POV:

As I almost touched the glass I felt something against my back and I froze. Yoongi reached from behind me to grab the glass and he put it in front of me. I just stood still. Then I felt hot air near my ear. "There you go, princess" My eyes widened. 'Princess?!' I tried to turn around and make some space between us. He opened the bottle, and I handed him the glass. As he was pouring his drink I heard a constant beating noise. I put my hand on my chest and realized that it was my heart that was making the noise. 'Yoongi, just what are you doing to me?!'

All of the sudden I hear glass breaking from the living room, and a lot of cussing. Me and Yoongi look at each other and then run to the living room. The first thing I saw was the broken vase lying on the floor. Then Namjoon standing there frozen, with his hands up. Jin just had a shocked expression and looked like he was about to kill Namjoon. All of the others were either frozen as well, or grabbing their hair.

Then Yoongi's voice radiated throught the whole room. "NAMJOON, WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY!!!" Namjoon slowly looked at Yoongi and then at me. He looked at me and as if struck by lightning he started to get nervous as hell. "Y-Y-Y/n I-I'm s-so so s-sorry, I-" I cut him off by holding up my hand. "Namjoon, calm down, it's not that big of a deal, I've been thinking of throwing that thing away anyway." He looked at me with big eyes. "B-but this l-looks expensive.." I chuckled. "It was only $10.000, and besides, someone gave it to me so it doesn't really matter.

And that's when Jin started losing his shit. "$10.000?!?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! THAT'S MY PAYCHECK IN 3 MONTHS!!!!!" He started walking around muttering to himself like a crazy person. When he passed me I held him by the shoulders and sat him down on the couch. "Jin, calm down. It was an accident, it can happen, it's okay, just breath." I looked up at V, Jimin, Hobi and Jungkook. "Guys, in the hallway, first door to your left when you enter, you will find a little closet with cleaning supplies. Do you mind getting me a broom?" They nodded and went on their way. I looked at Yoongi. "Can you help Jin calm down?" He gave me a nod and sat beside Jin, trying to get him to breath normally again. I then turned my head towards Namjoon. "Joonie? Come with me." He looked like he just witnessed a murder and followed behind me quietly. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my glass and washed it. I then poured him some water and gave it to him. He was shaking slightly. "L-look Y-Y/N, I'm r-really really s-sorry.." I rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. "Joon, really, it's fine, don't worry too much about it okay?" He slowly nodded his head and drank some more water.

I took him back to the living room and sat him down on the couch opposite of Jin. Yoongi was still muttering some words to him, and I think it was working, because Jin's breathing has returned to somewhat a normal pace. Just then V, Jimin, Hobi and Jungkook came walking in with the cleaning supplies.

After cleaning the mess we heard a doorbell ring. "Pizza is here!!" I screamed, and I ran to the door to pay for the pizza.

Yoongi's POV:

"Pizza is here!!" She yelled and jumped up from the couch to get the pizza. I softly chuckled at how cute she looked. As soon as she left the guys turned to me. "Hyung, you're whipped aren't you?" I turned red. "Shut up! I-it's not, It's not like that!" Jimin smirked. "Can you tell us that without stuttering?" I looked away. "See, you have a crush on her. And I know exactly what to do." I slowly lifted my head up and looked at Jimin. 'What is he up to?'

Heyyyy guyssss

It's me

Miss never uploads even though she says she is

I know I know, I'm a shame to the writing community

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I know I know, I'm a shame to the writing community

But I can't help it! Sometimes I just forget or I don't have any inspiration!! I do hope you guys won't hold a grudge against me forever🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to vote and share! Thank you💜💜💜

Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to vote and share! Thank you💜💜💜

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See ya'lll in the next one!!!

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