Chapter 3

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Y/N pov:
"Aaaaaand done!" You just did you hair and makeup and you were ready to go, now it was time to pick you outfit.

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*This is your outfit and makeup*

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*This is your outfit and makeup*

You sit down on your sofa and it's already 19:25 . You decide to go on social media for a bit. You scroll through all the posts and watch a couple videos on youtube. Then you get a message.
'I'm here'
You get up and grab your purse. You close and lock the front door and make you way to the car that's parked infront of your house. Yoongi stands in front of the car, holding the door open for you. A beautiful white Ferrari was parked in front of me. 'So he is really is a CEO' When he sees you his jaw drops. His eyes almost the size of pingpong balls. You chuckle and walk up to him. "What? Am I too dressed up?" He quickly closed his mouth and shook his head. "N-no! Not at all! You, um, you look really, really pretty!" I smiled and got in the car. We drove for a little while until we arrived at a classy but comfy looking barbeque restaurant.

Yoongi's pov:
As I was driving to her place my palms got a little sweaty. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' I parked my car in front of the small house and texted her I was there. I got out of the car and went to the other side to hold the door for her. I was looking at my phone when I heard a door close and heels making their way over to me. I looked up and I was starstruck.

She. Looked. Like. An. Angel.

Her hair was slightly curled and she wore a black top and some light brown pants with it. I didn't know such a simple outfit could make my heart beat so fast. I didn't realize my jaw was about to reach the ground until she spoke. "What? Am I too dressed up?" I quickly closed my mouth and shook my head furiously. "N-no! Not at all! You, um, you look really, really pretty!" She gave me a smile and got in the car. I mentally slapped myself. 'Did I just say really two times? Now she defenetly thinks I'm a creep. Nice job Yoongi.'

I got in the car and drove to the restaurant. We arrived and we were seated to our table. "What would you like to drink?" She looked up and put the drink-menu down. "I'll take whatever you're having" I nodded and called our waiter over to our table. "Two red wines please" She bowed and left. I looked back at her. She was so stunning in the dimly lit room. I cleared my throat. "So, where are you from?"

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