Chapter 1

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Y/N pov:
Ugh, here we go again. Guess who can't sleep? I've been having this problem for as long as I can remember and it still get's on my nerves. I sigh and get up from my bed. I put on a simple hoodie and some black sweatpants. I grab a quick drink and put my shoes on. I walk out the door and towards the one place that will get me tired enough to sleep.

It was quiet around me as I put my earphones in. I finally arrived at my destination. I unlocked the front door and stepped inside. I walk to one of the dance studios and put my music on pause.

''Finally, I can work on m-'' I abruptly halt my all my movements. Is

I slowly walk to one of the dance studio's and peek inside. In the room I see a guy dancing. I stare at him in shock. He danced like no one was watching, because he probably thought no one was. He seemed to be quit good from what I saw. He followed every beat, and he danced with so much passion. The music slowly came to an end and he stood there for a couple seconds, just trying to regain his composure again. Then he turned around and our eyes locked on each other.

??? Pov:
I just finished my routine and I was trying to catch my breath. I regained my composure and turned around to grab my bag for a towel. But just as I turned to face the entrance to the studio I was met with a pair of eyes. I quickly rushed and tried to get my things together. Just as I was about to jump through the window, I was met with the person of who those eyes belonged to.

"It's no use, I already locked the door downstairs, you have nowhere to go."

She was standing in front of the closed window. I panicked in my head. What was I gonna do?! Then it hit me. Faint. I slowly closed my eyes and let my body hit the floor.

I heard her gasp. She rushed to me and asked me if I was okay. I opened my eyes and turned her over so I was on top of her. I held her wrists and just looked at her. She tried to struggle free, but soon she gave up. I smirked a little when she wasn't looking. 'Hmm, she's actually pretty cute- ugh what am I thinking! I just broke in here!' I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. '''What are you doing here?'' I said in a deep voice. ''I own the place'' ...She owns this place?' Then she said something I didn't expect her to say.

Y/N pov:

We stared at each other in complete shock. He quickly looked around for his stuff and tried to escape. I luckily already saw the open window and sprinted towards it while he was grabbing his stuff. He ran so fast towards the window he almost didn't see me standing in front of it. He stopped right in front of me and frantically searched for another way out.

''It's no use, I already locked the door downstairs, you have nowhere to go.''

Then he closed his eyes for a second and fell to the floor. My eyes widen in shock as I quickly bent over him asking if he was okay. He opened his eyes and rolled me over so he was on top of me. I struggled as I look him in the eyes. ''What are you doing here?'' he asked me with a deep voice. It send shivers down my spine but I managed to answer him anyway. ''I own the place'' He looked at me confused but it quickly went back to his serious face.

''Look I'm not going to call the police or anything but could you please get off of me?'' He looked at me, confusion clearly across his face again and slowly got off me. ''So what are you doing here in the middle of the night?'' He stared at me for a second but then quickly looked away. ''Hey, I already said I'm not going to call the police, might as well tell me what you're doing here.'' He looked at me for the second time and sighed.

"I'm here because I've got a lot on my mind, dancing usually de-stresses me. What about you? I mean last time I checked dance studios didn't open in the middle of the night." I chuckled at his response.

"I suffer from insomnia, so I sometimes come here to tire myself out." He gave me a small nod. It became quiet after that. I groaned and stood up. I walked over towards his sitting figure and offered him my hand. He only smirked and stood up himself. "Well, what's your name?"

He looked at me with a 'are you kidding me?' kind of look. "What? I only asked you what your name was, is that such a bad thing?" He shrugged and unpacked his stuff again. "So I'm not even gonna know the name of the person who broke into my studio in the middle of the night?" He nodded. I rolled my eyes and began stretching.

"Can you give me my water bottle Y/N?" I looked at him with shocked expression. He pointed towards my bag. It had my name on it. I mentally facepalmed myself. I walked over to the little table that was placed in the room and grabbed his water bottle and threw it towards him. He smoothly caught it and I turned around to to search for the music I wanted to dance to. When I turned around he had sat back down on the floor, water bottle in hand and he was staring at me. I raised my eyebrow. "Aren't you gonna leave?" He put the bottle down. "Why would I? You said you wouldn't call the police so I don't see the point in leaving." I rubbed my temples, why was he being so incredibly annoying? I turned my back to him again and played some music. I stretched for a few minutes and then I could finally start with my routine. I got in place and the song started.

(Just imagine save me-BTS is playing)

??? pov:

'Wow, she's pretty good. Well, that's kind of expected seeing the fact that she owns a dance studio' I spend the rest of the song watching all of her movements. her body was really amazing too. 'Omg stop thinking like that! You don't even know this girl!'  As the song ended I clapped for her while giving her a little smile.

Y/N pov:

The song ended and the guy began clapping. I shot him a playful glare and grabbed my own water bottle from my bag. Suddenly I hear music playing again. I turn around and see him standing in front of the mirror. I sat down and watched him.

(Just imagine sorry-The Rose is playing)

Is just stared at him. He was really good. He finished and sat down next to me. "So, what do you think?" I looked at him and smiled. "I gotta admit you're pretty good." He also smiled and I felt kinda weird. I just brushed it off and stood up again. That's how we spend the night, dancing, giving each other tips to improve our routine and just laughing and having fun. As we were about to leave I spoke up. ''Are you really not going to tell me your name?'' He smirked at me. ''Don't worry, I will give you my name'' I smiled and waited for him to tell me. ''Next time we see each other.'' He jogged off and I yelled after him. ''What do you mean? I don't even have your number!'' He didn't listen to me and he quickly turned the corner. Ugh, guess I will never know. Then I started walking back home again. And I began thinking to myself. I actually really liked him. He was good company. But what if that turns out into something more? No, I can't, not after the last boyfriend I've had.

Okay so that was the first chapter of Dancing with a Stranger. I actually only wanted to use about a 1000 worda but it ended up being 1417 words😁. I just want to thank you for reading this and I hope you look forward to the next chapter! I love you! ♥️

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