-Chapter 8-

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Before the hokage could say something, another figure appeared. He instantly grabbed the little boy from the table and wrapped his arms protectively around him. As soon as that was done, he glared at the hokage.

The boy who appeared was fifteen and was no other than Sasuke's Cousin; Shisui. 

Now: Sasuke's POV- 

Truly there wasn't really a lot of things that could surprise me. But now, I think would have to reconsider that. After all, everything that had happened to me, was not only surprising but shocking as well. 

Hopefully, this would be the last thing that would be surprising. I though to myself as I tried to keep myself from showing just how much surprised I truly was. 

I was brought out of my thought by the voice of Shisui who said; "Why? You promised, Lord Hokage, that this month I would not be send on any missions!"

"I am sorry, but this mission, only you can do at the moment,"  Hokage said before he turned to my team. "As I was saying before, your new mission is a babysitting mission. However this one would be different for many reasons, some of which I cannot tell you. This mission would last a week and  even though you are going to be doing this mission, I would still assign you other ones.

"The boy in Shisui's arms is the one you are too babysit. Just a little warning, don't offend him too much. After all, you would really not want to see what he would do if you did. Nicht, be on your best behavior" The hokage spoke. 

The boy, Nicht, just smirked. "By whose standards?" he asked slyly. 

"Sunshine, by our standards, not your," my sensai spoke out.

"What a bummer. Though Kakashi, if I get bored, don't blame me."

"Of course not." 


That was how it all started. After we left the Hokage's room and went to our training area, we truly thought that it would an easy mission. However, how wrong were we. 

Thirty minutes after we arrived on our training area, Nicht ran away and we began chasing him all over. Never before had I ever thought that a person, actually a kid, could be so sly. The kid, even though he was fast, we were faster. We could have caught him if we were just running. But unfortunately for us, this was not the case. The boy was a trickster. He used everything and anything he could possibly think of to make our catching him impossible. 

Not only did we found out that the kid was sly like a fox, and that he was fast, but we also found out that he had a great stamina. Greater even than Menma's, and that is saying a lot. 

I wish this mission would end soon, other wise I am not sure I would survive until the end of the week. I thought as I dodges a bucket full of orange paint. 


Everyone, I am sorry this chapter was so short. Next one I will try and make longer. 

Anyway, thank you for reading. If you have any questions, ask away and I will happily answer them. 

You probably noticed but for every chapter I do, I put a picture that would correspond to it. This picture is different because it correspond to the next couple of chapters.  

SPOILER NOT SPOILER for Naruto and Menma: 

* Naruto is going to appear more soon. For now, he would stay hidden away.

*He is younger than Menma by half a day. Because of that he was born on October 10th while, Menma was born on October 9th. 

* Menma does NOT know about Kurama at all.

*Menma also knows more than he truly lets other know. 

Before I finish this of: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT FEM NARUTO. (this does not meet that he is going to be a fem in this story. I just want your opinion.)

See you next chapter than...

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