Chapter 6: Let's Start Over

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Junkrat POV:
...What happened? All I remember is a woman and a gorilla fighting those three people that were trying to capture us for some unknown reason.

My vision is...kind of blurry, so it's kind of hard to see, but I'm hearing...voices; all I hear is a woman with a British accent and some kind of low voice. It's probably those same people that were saving us.

Were they saving us? Were they kidnapping us, too? Whatever it was, we're here, but the problem is, we don't know where "here" is.

I turned to my right and saw Hog. It seems like he is also not fully awake, yet.

Roadhog POV:
What is this place? I'm so confused and ironically, I can't see really well and I'm the one who's wearing a mask.

I turned to my left and saw Jamie. Is he, as well having trouble cooperating?

So far, this place can I describe it?

It kind of feels...different.

Junkrat POV:
Hog and I are just starring at each other for a moment, then suddenly...

"HEY! WAKE UP!" Someone with a low voice shouted at us.

My vision's finally back to normal, "What do you want, mate!?" I said while got startled.

"Winston, luv, calm down, they did get knocked out last night, after all," the lady said to the gorilla.

Winston, huh? What an interesting name...for a gorilla.

"What do you want? Trying to kidnap us like them? I've already had enough of this!" I asked him.

"Okay, sorry for shouting at you," Winston said, "No, we're not kidnapping you guys, we're just trying to help you, that's all."

Roadhog POV:
This is getting weird, already, we were almost kidnapped by the Reaper, a blue French lady, and a Mexican lady. Now, we're (maybe) captured by a British woman and...a...a gorilla...WHAT'S GOING ON!?

"I have questions for you guys," I said to them, "Who do you think you are, and why do you want us?" I asked them.

The gorilla gets up, "The name's Winston."

The woman blinks around so excitedly, "The name's Lena. Lena Oxton."

Wait a minute, Lena Oxton...Why does that name sound SO familiar? Sounds like almost an old friend of mine,'s not...strange.

For Winston, however, never heard of him. Also, how can a gorilla talk? It kind of sounds similar to a gorilla that can do sign language years ago. EXCEPT, this gorilla is ACTUALLY speaking like a human being.

"You didn't answer my other question," I told them, "Why'd you bring us here?"

"Y'see, those three people that were attacking you guys last night are not friends. They're from Talon, we'll explain more another time," Winston said, "When we saw you two almost getting captured (Or possibly died), we knew that we had to stop them and save you."

"Well, we're the wrong people to be saved, mate," Junkrat said, "We're NOT the good guys here, aight?"

Winston looked at him, "Oh I am aware of that, but I think you two can be better."

Junkrat POV:
"Really? US? WE can be better people? I don't think so."

"Look, luv, the world can always use more heroes," Lena said.

"Well sorry, I'm no hero, nor is Hog. Now if you excuse me, I'll be -"

"We'll do it," Roadhog interrupted me and got up.

"Are you crazy, Hog!?" I looked at him, "You know what we -"

"Jamie, look! We have nothing left, not even a home." Roadhog says, "And if we keep doing what we do, we'll eventually have nothing left."

Man, I've never heard Hog being THIS honest, before. "Ugh fine, if YOU want to play 'hero', then I might as well."

I went up to Winston and Lena, "We'll join your so-called 'little hero-game.'"

Winston gets up, "Good choice. Now, sign this contract and you're good."

Winston gave me the pen and paper and signed me name and gave the pen to Roadie and he signs his name.

"Okay, luvs, now you're good to go!" Lena says while saluting us.

Hog and I left the room. "Wait! Before you go!" Winston yelled to us, "I gotta show you guys where you rooms will be, first."

Hog and I looked at him, "Okay, lead the way, then," I said to him.

We followed Winston and he shows us our room.

"Well, here's your room, guys," Winston said, "I'll see you tomorrow for your first adventure!"

Me and Hog went inside and of course, it's empty. Oh well, at least we have a bed and a mini fridge. We stacked our things on the floor.


Roadhog POV:
He doesn't understand how I feel. Oh man, how am I gonna tell, Jamie this?

"Hog, are you alright, mate?"

"..." I went silent.

"C'mon, mate. We don't have to worry about anything."

What is this feeling? I feel...a weird emotion, right now.

"Oookay...if you're not going to respond, how about this?" Jamie hugged me.

This made me blush and turned around to look at Jamie. Strange...I haven't felt this way in like...forever.

"It's okay, Jamie, I'm fine," I said calmly.

Junker Love (Junkrat X Roadhog) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now