Chapter 7: Stay With Me

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Junkrat POV:
It's the middle of the night...very dark in here. Too dark, it's really hard to see. I can't sleep. Why? I could've sworn I was sleeping. Whatever it was, I got up to realize that Roadhog is missing.

"Where'd he go?" I questioned.

I got out of bed and putted my clothes on. I got out of the room to find Roadie.

"Gosh it's so dark. Where's the light switch?"

Even though my question couldn't be answered, I found the light switch. I tried flicking on and on.

"It doesn't work. Do these people ever pay for those bills?"

I explored more and went to Winston's office. Comes to no surprise that he's not there. All I found was a...lantern.

"A lantern?" I picked it up, "Why the hell is this here? Are we in the future, after all?"

My questions are still not answered, but a lantern will do for now. I explored the place, hopefully to find Roadie, or possible those two for some help.

There was a door I bumped into. "Ouch!" There was some blood on it. Not too much, though. Of course, I opened the door to see what's inside.

"...What? I hear my heart beat." I kept walking and walking, until I start feeling cold. What is this feeling?

Every time I take another step forward, my heart beats are progressively louder and faster. Now, I feel weak...and slower. How and why is this happening?

Another step and I see I shined my lantern to the right.

"Oh god..."

All I see is Roadhog lying on the ground. Blood all over him.

"No. No no no no no NOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted to my lungs. "ROADIE! PLEASE ANSWER ME! WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?"

"He's never coming back..." someone responds.

I turned around behind me, "W-who the hell d-do you think you are!?" I said shanking out of fear. "ANSWER ME QUESTION!"

"Oh you know me, I fought you two days ago," the person gets closer, "It's me, Reaper."

"Oh g-god. Not you again."

"Yep that's me. Listen to me. Join Talon. Together, we can make this world even better if YOU'RE with us."

"I-I'll never join you," I fell to the ground. "You killed me friend, Hog."

"What a shame," Reaper said, "How about I just END YOUR LIFE!?"

Reaper points the shotgun on my head and I screamed on the top of my lungs, "NOOOOO!"

Roadhog POV:
"Yaaawn, what a beautiful morning," I said getting up. I looked at the other side of the bed and see Jamie is missing.

"Where'd he go?" I asked myself.

I putted on my mask and went out to ask those two if they have seen him. I'll go to Winston, first, maybe he knows.

"Good morning, Mako!" Winston said with a positive attitude while eating...peanut butter. Do gorillas even like peanut butter!? "Have you seen Jamison anywhere?"

"No I have not," Winston replied, "But I think Lena might know, go ask her."

"Okay, thanks!"

"No problem!"

I left Winston's office and I'm trying to find Lena. Dear god, I hope nothing bad happened to Jamie. Suddenly, I saw Lena blinking around. "Hey! Lena!" I called for her.

"What's up, luv?" Lena asked me.

"Have you seen Jamison anywhere?"

"Uh yes, he's in the training room."

"W-why's he in there!?"

"I don't know," Lena shrugged, "He was panicking in the middle of the night. I tried to confront him, but he just ran away. It seems like he might've had a bad dream. Well I find it strange because he doesn't look like a person that would panic like that."

"Okay, thanks, I'll confront him."

"You're welcome, luv!" She said smiling.

Okay, it's time to find the training room. I was walking and found a door that said, "Training Room." Okay, that was easy.

I walked in the room and see Jamie punching a punching bag really hard. He was breathing so heavy, so I have to stop him.

"Jamie! Stop!" I said to him.

He ignored me and it sounds like he's mumbling words.

"I can't hear you!" I yelled at him.

He still won't talk to me. Suddenly, it Jamie is kind of talking louder.

"Hog's dead! Hog's dead!" He says repeatedly.

I walked closer to him, hopefully that'll stop him punching so hard. "JAMIE!" I grabbed his shoulder and forced him to turn around.

"Hog? Is that you?" He asked when a single tear came out of his eye.

"It's me, Jamie," I said calmly, "It's me."

"H-Hog..." a few tears came out of his eyes.

"Jamie listen-" He hugged me.

"H-Hog, it really is you..." he said crying. "Please, Hog. Don't EVER leave me."

"I-I promise. I won't leave you." I blushed suddenly.

Jamison went up to my mask and kissed my nose. I started to blush more.

"I love you, Hog."

"...I love you, too, Jamie..."

Woo hoo! Done! Thank you guys SO much for supporting this series! No I'm being serious, thank you! Happy New Years and see you in 2019!

- CoulsonKnight

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