SW & ZYL - YEAR 12018 (3)

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"In this world, the mountains connect to the seas, with lofty peaks stretching endlessly, just like life, shouldering burdens and striving forward without rest. Why don't we call you 'Shen Wei'?" Bai Yu spoke in a quiet voice.

"I love it, because it was given by you." Zhu Yilong whispered back.

Bai Yu quickly changed back to his regular clothes and thought about that strange happening during the fitting while on the train home. What made him say that particular line about Shen Wei's name at that time? He had only glanced at it once while reading through the script, yet it was clear in his head, as though he had been practicing it all day. That informal character development they did the night before with the other cast members must have been more effective than he realized. He shook his head and brushed it off, telling himself it was from too much drink - Zhu Hong can drink like a fish!

Zhu Yilong stayed back because the choreographer wanted to see how the Black Cloaked Envoy's movements would look in the costume including the mask, and they also practiced working with a short sword and a long spear. It was cumbersome with the robe, and when he had to twirl, the mask would often shift and he could not see. Tweaks would be made and incorporated into Yezun's costume which would be similar in white.

He prided himself on being able to give 150% focus to whatever work he was doing, but for some reason, his mind kept wandering back to the previous hour when he and Bai Yu had just changed into their ancient costumes. Bai Yu had great posture and even without his glasses, he was an impressive figure. He obviously studied the entire script beforehand, reading ahead, otherwise why would he say a line from a scene much further in to the series? Zhu Yilong had only skimmed through it, not really remembering much, so while he knew the basic story for that scene, he could not remember the exact line and just improvised...and it felt so natural. He shook his head and brushed it off, telling himself he was just getting into character.


The next couple days were spent rehearsing the first couple segments - Little Guo going to SID and making everyone laugh with his cute nerdiness! Then a bizarre murder at the university Professor Shen taught at. It would be the place where Shen Wei first sees Zhao Yunlan for the first time after 10,000 years. They went through their lines mechanically, stopping now and then to make adjustments. The lines were not very complicated, and with the exception of Zhu Yilong, the cast had become quite friendly and the atmosphere had lightened up with Bai Yu as the mood maker. It was not that Zhu Yilong was arrogant, but the cast felt he was "elegantly cold," and so difficult to approach.

The first day of shooting came, and the usual media was also there. Bai Yu was obviously in his element with the reporters, cheerfully answering questions, and would pull over another cast member now and then. As usual, Zhu Yilong was alone off to the side, rehearsing his lines. Suddenly he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders that turned him around, and he was staring at cameras with reporters sticking microphones in his face.

"Long-ge! Time for your interview." Bai Yu said with a big brotherly smile.

"Huh? What?" Zhu Yilong was caught totally off-guard.

"Long-ge here is so focused on work, so go easy on him. Okay, you pretty girl in the pink. What's your question to him?" Bai Yu skillfully controlled the pace of the interview while giving Zhu Yilong time to collect his thoughts as the questions started coming. Zhu Yilong was not very good at interviews, and he gratefully accepted Bai Yu's help.

After an appropriate number of questions had been asked, Bai Yu led the reporters to the other cast members, but rather than stay with them, he walked back to Zhu Yilong.

"Some fans delivered some snacks for us. Let's have some, Long-ge." Bai Yu grabbed his arm and pulled him along.

"I - I'm not hungry now." Zhu Yilong tried to pull his arm away, but Bai Yu just grinned wickedly at him and tightened his grip.

"Oh, no you don't. Professor Shen may be all prim and proper, but Long-ge needs to be friends with us from today. Starting right NOW."

Zhu Yilong usually had a hard time getting to know the other cast members, which often caused him to have a slow start in getting into character. But that changed on the set of "Guardian" with Bai Yu literally pulling him into the group. His cellphone was taken away, fidgeted with, and returned, and soon his Line account was full of welcome and funny texts from everyone. He was so used to being alone in his work and his life, but somehow he had a feeling that things were about to change. Because of Bai Yu.



Sorry but no earth-shattering flashbacks this time.  I need to get the cool, aloof Zhu Yilong to warm up so that he and Bai Yu can get friendlier in the present first.  It's a work in progress because Zhu Yilong is so shy, but Bai Yu can also be persistent.

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