Part Nine : A Startling Realization

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Justin woke up with the sun. During his time as a turnip headed scarecrow he had spent a lot of time outside, where the sun was free to blind him as it came up. Even now, as a human surrounded by sun-blocking walls, it was a habit he hadn't yet broken.

He lay on his bed and realized it was more difficult than it normally would be to breathe. The boy was slightly concerned and took a few deep breaths to see if that would help. It did not.

He glanced down and saw with a start that the reason it was hard to breathe was because he had an arm thrown across his chest. Justin turned his head to see that, during the night, Howl had rolled and stretched out like he owned the place, and had laid his arm over Justin.

Howl's face was almost laying on Justin's shoulder, his dark hair streaming over the pillow like running water. When he was asleep he didn't look angry, or sad, or annoyed. He looked peaceful and docile.

Their faces were quite close together, Justin realized, and it became more difficult to breathe. He really wasn't bad looking, even after a night of sleep... The boy quickly shook himself and slid out from under the wizards arm.

He reached a hand up to his face and found that it was hot. No... He couldn't... he didn't... No.

The prince felt like he was falling with nothing to grab that would save him. He glanced over his shoulder at the magician and the full force of his realization seemed to knock the air out of him yet again.

Oh curses no!

But if he thought about it, it wasn't too surprising.

Justin had known Howl and Sophie the same amount of time. They had both been there through his curse and after it had been broken. He hadn't even truly had a crush on Sophie, he just assumed he would eventually because she had apparently been his true love.

But Howl had always been there too, and maybe he had forgotten that...

The image of the night before appeared in his head. Howl leaning over him smiling... Justin stood up from the bed and paced to the window before his head could run any further with these insane thoughts.

It would never happen. It could never happen. Howl had never stolen the hearts of any men as far as Justin knew and even if he had there was no way he would even try with the prince. Not when he mocked him at every opportunity- calling him Turnip and complaining constantly.

Besides, his father would never allow it even if Howl's feelings changed.

Justin forced the growing ache in his chest away and set his shoulders. He needed to forget or ignore these feelings until they went away. And Howl, nor anyone else, could ever know about them.

Without taking another glance at the boy still sleeping in his bed, Justin strode out of his chambers and slammed the door behind him. Howl would be the death of him.

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