CH-6- welcome

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I can't believe I am going to Jungkook's house. I am so excited that I couldn't concentrate.


The last class ended sooner than I thought.
Ok now have to take her to my house.
Calm down.... Don't be nervous.
Did you clean your room?
Speak of the angel and she appears...
"Lets go Minji."
We walked silently.
"You live on the other side of the woods?"
Don't find it strange... Please.
(At jungkook's house)
"So this is my house and these are my.... hyungs?...hyung why are you dressed so

hyung why are you dressed sostrangely?

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"Ooo this must be Minji. Hello! Kookie talks a lot about you." Jin hyung spoke.
"Always" Namjoon hyung agreed.
Why do I even exist?
Because she does.
"Lets go to my room!" I quickly spoke.
"What will happen there?" Suga hyung spoke.
"Things....." Hoseok hyung said.
Minji chuckled.

"So this is my room." I said as I showed her my room.
Why is it sooo clean?
"Lets start." She said and began searching for a book in her bag. Then she pulled out ......
Looking for Alaska.
We were quietly discussing the project. Then we realized its already six.
A stillness grew between us.
"So you live with your six hyungs?"
"What about your parents?"
She looked at me. Not with total sympathy. "You are a strong man Jungkook." She smiled softly. That took me off guard.
"I should get going."
"I'll take you home."
She hesitated but agreed at last.
Downstairs we saw V and Jimin hyung.

"Minji will you play Mario with us?"
"Or watch movies?"
"Its already late hyung. I'll take her home. Maybe next time."
Minji waved them goodbye.
Then we started our walk.
The sun was out.

(Third person's pov)

Little did they know, some trouble awaited them.


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