Chapter 73

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There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother.

~Astrid Alauda~

~Astrid Alauda~

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I never thought I would ever get married. It never crossed my mind, but getting ready to marry Sophie felt like its what I always wanted- a dream that was just manifesting. I was excited and petrified at the same time.

My new suit lay on top of the bed, a white shirt that still bore the tag was so snowy white it almost burned my eyes. The morning sun shone beautifully, the spark of it hit my face as I opened the back door of the initial bedroom that had belonged to Sophie.

I could hear her happy giggles from our bedroom, her chuckles and laughter. She sounded happy and I was glad she wanted to marry me because I was dying to be her husband.

I hadn't seen her dress, she said it was bad luck for the groom to see it before the wedding but I thought it was a lot of bull and superstition. I would have told her so, but she seemed to believe it, so I had to respect that.

Gabriella must have said something funny because Sophie burst out laughingher laughter echoed through the whole house. It was a beautiful sound, one that I knew I could never live without.

Marriage to Sophie could never be boring, I knew that for a fact. She was smart, beautiful, challenging, and in bed, we were dynamic together. She would never be afraid of me, never hold back-she was my perfect match and having a baby together cemented our connection.

I stood there a while, leaning on the baluster, smiling like a lunatic looking at the perfectly weeded garden with roses blossoming, something I hadn't noticed before.

Love was a discovery.

I heard the door open and instinctively knew it was Bruno-bastard never learnt how to knock.

"What do you want B?" I asked without turning, my voice unwelcoming but that wasn't new and didn't seem to ruffle or deter him, he just chuckled and stood beside me. "Rom says he'll be here in an hour." He signed loudly, leaning over the balcony railing "I have to say it's a relieve to know he's back home"

I did not have the heart to tell him that Rom was only here for the wedding and that he'll be flying back to Kenya immediately after the wedding.

"I can't believe he agreed to come back"

"Sophie told me she didn't care what I did as long as I made sure Rom was present at the wedding. I got the sense she wouldn't have minded if I had used a taser on him and then dumped him on the jet as long as she got to see him at the wedding"

"Yeah, well, isn't she a charmer? Then he chuckled, like he was sharing an inner joke with himself "I can't believe you're getting married"

"Me neither." I whispered.

"Agreeing to have sex with only one woman" he said it like it was baffling.

"Marriage is not only about sex"

"Yeah, yeah, it's about children"

"Not about those either" I said, shaking my head.

"Really? What else is there?" he asked, turning his surprised face towards me. He was oblivious of all the advantages of marriage, though to be honest I would be as well if I didn't have Sophie.

"Companionship" I said and Bruno looked disappointed. I realized he must have expected something else entirely.

"That is not a reason to get married. I get companionship every time I want. And the beauty of it is, I don't have to carry my companions home with me"

"You'll understand it someday"

"No way in hell!"

"Don't you like Sophie?" Though my voice sounded normal, my heart was beating fast in anticipation of Bruno's answer.

"Oh, I love her, and she is carrying our future for tomorrow"

I chuckled at that, "Don't count on that, she made me swear none of her children will ever be part of the mafia"

"You agreed?"

"Of course I agreed. I had no other choice"

"They're your children too"

I laughed out loud and Bruno didn't appreciate being laughed at because he hit my arm hard.

"What is so funny?"

"Nothing. Sorry"

We stare at the roses silently, each with his own thoughts. Mine with a million of them to process, but a knock on my door stopped the train of thought, to be resumed later. I thought as I watched Rom walking towards us. He had a smile on his face and I couldn't help but notice a compelling new aura around him. He looked flushed and excited.

"You look happy" Bruno said, going over and embracing him. None of us were this affectionate, but looking at Rom standing in my bedroom unharmed charged us forward towards him. He bellowed as Bruno hit his back hard with the other hand around his neck.

"That is for not calling us occasionally"

"When did you become this needy?"

"Guys, cut it out, I'm getting married soon even though father Jose seem to be running late" I embraced Rom to me and he seemed to need it because he leaned his chin on my shoulder for a fraction of a second but I felt it. "I'm glad you're here" I whispered before letting him go.

"In a few hours soon, we are going to be a family of four and in a few months five."

Rom and I nodded in unison.

"I can't believe we are about to have a baby" Bruno let out a soft breath, smiling at both of us.

"Sorry to break it out to you, but I'm having a baby, not you suckers"

"Arrogance is you thinking that baby only belongs to you and Sophie" Rom drawled, removing his coat and throwing it on the bed but missed and it fell on the floor. It reminded me of Sophie, how she hated it when I dropped clothes on the floor.

"That baby belongs to all over us, you just happened to father it"

"Her" I said.

"What?" they both asked at the same time.

"We think it's a girl"

"A girl? Oh my God, what do we know about little girls?"

"You're panicking B" I teased. Smiling at him. Suddenly the door was pushed open revealing Sophie, her heavy pregnancy and height made her appear small, big and labored. "Rom" she squealed, holding out her arms to Romano. "I'm so happy to see you"

"I heard you said you couldn't marry him if he didn't get me here and I couldn't let myself be the reason he couldn't have you in holy matrimony"

Sophie laughed, looking at Rom's face "And you were also afraid he would use unconventional method to get you here" she beamed at me then, the love she had for me radiating from her face.

"Yes, there is that. No one wants to be kidnapped, tied and thrown unceremoniously in a plane in order to attend a wedding."

"Well, I'm glad you're willingly here"

"Couldn't miss it for the world." Rom said, kissing the top of her head.

"I have to go and get ready. And Bruno..." she turned, giving Bruno a sharp look "No eating until the reception" and then she breezed out of the room without even kissing me. 

Bred In Violence (A Mafia Romance Book One) #𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now