That Night

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Well, the day of the party approached fast. When it was time for me to get ready I quickly stuffed my sleeping bag into my bag, covering it with a pile of clothes and then a pillow. "Ready!" I told myself with a wide grin.

Since I wasn't old enough to drive yet, my mom drove me over to Vanessa's house. I got out of the car, hugged my mom goodbye then ran to the doorbell. Ding-dong! I had gotten there late because I had work right before it.

"Rosie!" I heard someone squeal my name before I was tackled. I saw a flash of wavy black hair and hugged Kristen back. I sighed inhaling her scent. Honestly I thought I was a lesbian sometimes. Then, before she could release me I let go of her, "Are you done yet?" I asked, the beginnings of a laugh could be heard in my mouth.

Kristen smiled but let go, "Come on and I'll show you where to put your stuff." Yeah, she practically lived at Vanessa's house.

I followed Kristen deeper into the house and down the stairs into the basement where we'd be staying. I noted with interest that they redid the concrete floors with a fake wood. I dropped my stuff where there was a pile of bags, "Hey guys." I greeted carefully.

It was the same people as last year but I wasn't close friends with them. Maddie, Maddy, Kaitlin, and Zoe, they were all really nice to my knowledge. We were friends but distantly, I knew a few of them from marching band and Maddy lived in my neighborhood.

They looked up and waved for me to go to them. I shuffled over to them nervously, they could be quite scary sometimes. "We're playing truth or dare." Kristen explained.

I gulped, I loved this game but I really wasn't sure how it would go now. I sat down in the circle and watched as they made each other reveal their secrets to the circle. "Vanessa, truth or dare?"

"Hmm.....dare!" She eventually decided.

"I dare you to..........kiss someone in this circle."

"What?! I'm not doing that!"

"Come onnn!!"

"Fine. But everyone has to close their eyes."

I closed my eyes like everyone else in the circle, just barely watching as Vanessa pushed herself from the ground. My heart was pounding in my ears, almost hoping that Vanessa would pick me. A few seconds later I heard movement in front of me then, "Shit!" Soon the noise subsided and I felt warm soft lips crashing down on mine. I froze, wondering whether to be disgusted or happy. I was still in that stiffened position when Vanessa went back to her point in the circle. "Okay, I'm done."

Everyone opened their eyes, looking around the circle to see if anyone would give it away. I looked around playing along, but refusing to look Vanessa in the eye for fear that I would end up giving it away and humiliating us both.

"Sooo, who'd you kiss?" Maddie asked with a cheeky grin.

"Ha! Like I'd say!" Vanessa scoffed, turning a brilliant red. I looked over and felt a blush creeping onto my face remembering how soft her lips felt. I licked my lips and smiled to myself realizing she must've been wearing a vanilla flavored lip balm. "Kristen truth or dare?" I didn't hear the answer or what the question was as I continued to think about why Vanessa would choose me. I was nothing special. I was a nobody.

"Rosie, truth or dare?" Kristen asked. I barely heard her but when I did I got a little jumpy and suspicious.

"Truth." I replied, almost immediatly regretting it.

"Hm, okay which of us would you date?" She asked grinning widely, happy to know that she asked me a good question.

"Can I refuse?" I asked half-hopefully. I tried to slide away but Kristen just shook her head, "If you want, we'll all shut our eyes and you can whisper it to the person." She added trying to make me feel a little bit more comfortable. I appreciated that.

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