Chapter Seven

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I sat in my last lesson gazing out of the window. After this, we were on spring break, perfect. I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole. Since the school was also being refurbished, we had an extra week holiday. I was sitting at the back of the class, Reece to my left and Chloe to my right. 

"Are you coming to Reece's party tonight?" Chloe whispered to me. I snapped out of my daze a little. 

"I didn't know he was having one, he didn't invite me so probably not." Unlike Reece and the rest of his friends, I don't go to a party if I haven't been invited. I wouldn't like it if a randomer showed up at my party, so I wouldn't do it to anyone else.

"Don't be stupid babe. He won't mind you coming, in fact, he's been telling us all week how he wants you to come." Our talking seemed to catch Reece's attention. 

"What you talking about?" He interrupted.

"Your party." Chloe replied.

"Oh yeah, Lydia you coming?" I sighed, shrugging. "Please, you have to come. It's going to be off the hook." He said, earning a laugh from Chloe. I probably should let my hair down a little bit, rather than worrying about homework and revision. 

"Sure, I'll come." I said with a small smile. 

"Great, it's at my place." I nodded, smiling. 

"I'll be there." He smiled back. After what felt like an eternity, the bell finally rang. Students darted out of their seats and into the crowded hallway, whilst me, Reece and Chloe took our time. 

"I need to get some stuff out of my locker, I'll be right back." I said. They both nodded.

"We'll wait for you at the gate." Chloe said. I nodded and walked the other way, towards my locker. As I approached, I noticed Justin getting stuff out of his locker also. He looked at me, a look mixed with hatred and guilt. I decided to ignore his glares and proceeded to my locker, which was only a couple away from his. Whilst I was digging through books I would need, I felt his constant stare on me.

"Lydia." His shaky voice spoke up. He sounded as if he'd been crying. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." I nodded- I'm not going to forgive him that easily, he told me he hated me for crying out loud. 

"Whatever Justin, just forget it." I said and tried to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist. 

"Lydia please, I'm sorry." I could see that his eyes were slowly beginning to gloss over. "Can I talk to you later?" He asked me. "Like after school?" 

"I'm going to Reece's party tonight." I retorted. 

"Come early. Reece will be out buying alcohol and stuff. Please." He begged. I sighed and gave in. 

"Fine. What time?" 

"The party starts at seven, come around half six." I nodded, shutting my locker. 

"See you later then." I replied, heading down the hallway and ignoring the looks from others. I've been getting a lot of them recently, due to the fact that I'm hanging out with 'the dork.' Pathetic. I hate this place, and I seriously can't wait until I graduate. I pushed open the doors and turned to check if anyone was coming. I saw Justin walking behind me, his head down. I held open the door for him as he smiled kindly to me.

"Thank you." He mumbled. I smiled and continued to the gate, where Justin was still walking behind me. Chloe and Charlotte had already left, and so had Reece's friends. Leaving just us. "You want a lift?" 

"Sure, thanks Reece." I noticed Justin sigh slightly as he walked past us. They live far away, and it takes Justin about an hour to walk home every night, since Reece never gives him a lift. 

"C'mon dorky." He said, but it seemed to be in a more joking tone. Justin looked up, confused. The confusion on his face made me laugh lightly. "Do you want a lift?" Reece asked. Justin nodded and walked slowly over to the car.

"Is that okay?" Justin checked. Reece nodded and got in, as I did the same. There was a slightly awkward tension in the car as we drove, but it was in some ways bearable. Reece pulled into my drive as I thanked him and got out. 

"Party's at seven." He reminded. 

"Okay, bye." I said and waved, heading to my house. I unlocked the door and stepped in, heading to my room to get dressed for the party. I turned on the shower and gave it time to heat up whilst I chose a dress for the party tonight. After a while of choosing, I decided on a simple mint green dress and some nude heels. After laying down my outfit on the bed, I stripped of my clothing and headed into the shower, where I washed my hair and shaved. I stepped out of the shower, feeling the cold air hit me immediately and give me goose bumps all over my body, making me wrap my towel around me as quickly as possible. I headed back into my room, where I plugged in my hairdryer and blow dried my hair. Once it was completely dry, I decided to curl it and leave it down. After my hair was styled, I began with my make-up, keeping it natural but noticeable. Slipping my dress and heels I grabbed my clutch and stuffed it full of things I may need, before heading downstairs. Reece's house was only a few streets away, I could walk.

 I wrote my mom a note, telling her that I was at a party and wouldn't be home until later. She won't mind, as long as I don't come home wasted. My mom works late, trying to earn enough money in order for us to have a good standard of living. She's unaware, but I was looking for a simple job so I can help her out a little with the financial side of things. My mom and dad are divorced, but they get along for my sake, and I see my dad on school breaks, because he moved to Canada after the divorce. 

I locked up the house and slipped the keys into my bag, taking a casual walk to Reece's house.  

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