Chapter Thirteen

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Reece stopped and stared at us, bewildered. 

"Hi Reece." I said, trying to cut the awkward tension, but he didn't reply. Instead, he glared at Justin, a look full of hatred and venom. 

"Why are you here?" He spat at Justin. "With her?" He continued, teeth gritted. 

"We just got bored and decided to come bowling." Justin replied. Already, I could see the fear slowly buildign up in his eyes. 

"Well I suggest you take her home then." Reece growled lowly. 

"Why should he take me home, Reece?" I questioned. "Clearly you think that there is something going on here. Well, you're wrong. We're friends Reece, and you know that. I don't like Justin, Justin doesn't like me." I reminded him. He rolled his eyes and growled something in Justin's ear, before Justin quickly rushed of the pier, with me chasing behind him. "Justin! Stop!" I called as he raced across the road and into the car. I quickly got in as Justin started driving away. "What did he say to you?"

"Nothing, I'm taking you home." He replied. 

"What did he say to you?" I repeated the question.

"It's nothing important." He mumbled. 

"It must be Justin. You look petrified and you're racing to get home." I said. 

"Lydia, just leave it." He demanded. 

"No, Justin. What did he say to you?" 

"Leave it!" He snapped, making me fall silent. Then, I said the unthinkable.

"Maybe Reece was right when he told me to stay away from you because you're a mean person." Immediately, the anger and fear in Justin's face dissappeared, and was soon replaced my guilt, sorrow and sadness. I didn't mean what I said, but I couldn't bring myself to apologize. Do I really believe that Justin is like that?


I pulled up outside Lydia's door and allowed her to get out, neither of us saying a word to each other. Did she really mean that? She thinks I'm like that? We rode home in silence. I drove away from the curb, trying to get back to my house where Reece was probably already waiting for me. I sighed as I drove, not wanting to face what was most likely coming. Reece gets jealous easily, especially over Lydia, but she deserves someone so much better than him. He hates other people hanging around with her, it's like she's his property and I hate that. No girl should ever be treated like they're someone's possession. I pulled up in the drive and saw that Reece's car was here. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and stepped out into the rain, which began when we left the pier. Pretty ironic, right? I opened the front door and threw Reece's keys onto the counter, finding him waiting at the door for me. 

"I'm going to kill you." He spat with venom, but for some reason, his threats didn't scare me. "What the hell do you think you were doing with her?!" 

"I told you, it was bowling as friends, and nothing but friends." I replied confidently. I think Lydia's speeches about how I need to stand up for myself are finally paying off. 

"Don't speak to me like that." 

"Like what? The way you speak to me all the time?" The next thing I know, his fist collided with my jaw, making my inner gums bleed. I held my hand up to my jaw, and decided to ignore the pain. 

"Yes, because I can." 

"You don't own my anymore Reece, I couldn't give a shit about it anymore. I'll move schools, and then I won't have to put up with you. Or even better, I'll tell mom what you're like." I threatened him, only trying to recieve a reaction. A reaction I most certainly got when I was thrown to the floor. 

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