How Do You Hold Your Shower Head?

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How do you hold your shower head?

Just a small theory I have that I practice on other people to help me determine the controlling ones from the less controlling.

It's an easy test to do really just ask yourself the simple question, do you leave a shower head in its place and stand underneath the water, 


Do you grab the shower head to help direct the water more 'efficiently'? As you may have deduced, those who grabbed the shower head tended to be more controlling and obsessive than those that did not. In the instances I've applied my theory I was proven right.

So, next time you go to grab the shower head, step back, just relax and treat yourself to a control free shower of bliss now and then. As for the non-grabbers, take that shower head by its neck and you decide when, where and how you want that shower to treat you! Take some control in your life for a change, you may be surprised at the difference it makes.

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