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Chapter Sixteen

"Temari honey, wake up. Dei's leaving today and you have to go say goodbye, remember," Shikamaru said as he stood at the bedside with a breakfast tray in his hands. He had gotten up before six and made her favorite breakfast of pancakes.

Temari opened her eyes and stretched causing the sheet to slide below her breasts as she arched and twisted bringing back memories of last night. Shikamaru tried to fight back his lust as she smiled at him. "And Ino's always going on and on about how lazy you are," she said in a sleep husky voice. She pulled the sheet back up with a slight blush and sat back against the pillows.

"Ino's never been my girlfriend," he said flushing slightly. "I like to spoil my woman even if she's troublesome."

Temari pulled him down for a heated kiss. "I like to be spoiled," she murmured against his lips, "and I can be really troublesome sometimes."

"That's why you're my ideal woman," he grinned. "Now stop tempting me and eat your breakfast." He sat down next to her on the bed and put the tray over her lap.

Temari shared her breakfast with Shikamaru feeding him bites and licking the syrup that she purposely dripped on his lips, chin, and neck playfully sucking and nipping until Shikamaru took the fork away and flipped the tray out of the bed. He pulled her down onto the bed as she squealed. "You're a messy eater, 'Mari," he admonished her playfully. He picked up bits of pancake that remained on the plate and put one of the sticky syrup covered globs on her neck, then one covering each nipple, and one on her lower abdomen causing Temari to scream at the gooey texture. "This is how I like my breakfast," he purred as he lowered his mouth to the pancake piece stuck to her neck and devoured it sucking the sensitive flesh of Temari's neck, marking her.

Temari tilted her head to allow him better access as Shikamaru continued to suckle her neck until there was a deep angry purple mark. She let out a ragged breath and whispered his name as he moved down to eat the pieces stuck to her already erect nipples licking away the sticky syrup. "Shika," she whimpered.

"Pancakes a la Temari are the best," he said as he consumed the last bit that had slipped to her pelvis before licking away the syrup trail. He slid his body back up hers and caught her lips in a blistering kiss.

"Make love to me, Shika," she demanded as she thrust against him.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said softly before sliding between her legs and claiming her body again.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox oxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxooxo xoxo

Deidara sat on a stool in the bakery nervously watching the clock. He was dressed in black thinking the color befitted the situation as he waited for Itachi. His bags were packed and sitting in the studio next door. Itachi had texted him last night he would pick him up from the bakery instead of the house since it was closer to the airstrip and Deidara was glad for the extra time with his family to help calm his nerves. He had hardly slept at all last night as scenario after scenario ran through his head. Most of them starred Itachi sporting a black cape and long thin moustache which he twirled maniacally as he tortured him sexually.

He glanced at the clock again, eleven thirty; Itachi would be there in a half hour to take him only Kami knows where for three days; alone. He eyed the door wondering if he ran, would Itachi find him. He snorted at the idea. Itachi knew he'd never leave his family and all the devil had to do would be to wait and he'd have Dei in his clutches. It was hopeless to try and escape.

"You look nervous," Naruto said.

"Oh really, Naruto, you think so?" he asked sarcastically. "That's like saying the sky is blue or you're a ramen loving baka," he snorted.

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