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Chapter Twenty-Three

Naruto stretched on the bearskin rug as the quilt covering him and his lover slipped to his waist. He opened an azure orb and stared into the beloved face of his teme, surprised to find him awake and watching him while he slept. "'Morning," he said with a smile as his covered azure orb opened to join its twin.

"'Morning," Sasuke answered as his dark eyes bore into beautiful blue eyes, feeling complete waking up next to his dobe. "Sleep well?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," the blond said as he rolled onto his stomach and stacked his hands under his chin. "You?"

"Like a log," Sasuke said as he turned onto his side and propped his head on his hand. He leaned over and kissed Naruto on the shoulder nipping it lightly with his teeth. Dishes were stacked on the hearth where the pair had fed each other last night, a wine bottle was tipped neck down in a bucket of water that used to be ice, and clothes were thrown all over the room as a testament to the previous night's activities.

"What time is the staff coming?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke looked at the clock. "In an hour," he replied.

"Wanna try another outfit?" Naruto asked impishly.

Sasuke regarded his lover with somber eyes. "I'd prefer to make love to you," he said as he held blue eyes captive. "It's okay to make love to a fallen angel, a foxy vixen, or a maid that likes to give extra service, but I feel like you're hiding behind these costumes," Sasuke stroked the scarred cheek.

"Whaddaya talking about, teme, this is me..." Naruto began as his wide fearful eyes darted away from Sasuke's serious penetrating gaze.

"You're hiding from me," Sasuke said again. "You're afraid of me."

"Bullshit. Why would I be afraid of you?" Naruto denied as he continued to avoid Sasuke's gaze.

"Prove it then," Sasuke challenged.

"Sasuke, you do make lo... love to me," Naruto insisted trying to calm his panic.

"Without costumes," Sasuke clarified.

"On the plane..." Naruto began.

"You needed a distraction," Sasuke countered.

"We didn't use costumes the first time we had sex," Naruto said, confident he had Sasuke on the ropes.

"But you hid behind talk then. I want to make love to the real you. Without dirty talk, without the costumes, just you and me," Sasuke demanded.

Naruto's eyes widened with shock. He couldn't make love to Sasuke as himself. He knew he couldn't stop himself from telling the raven he loved him if they did. "That's boring, teme," he said. "I thought you didn't like boring."

"I don't like boring, but you are far from boring, Naruto," Sasuke said as he sat up and stroked the caramel skin under his fingertips.

"Sasuke, please no," Naruto whimpered. He didn't want to lose Sasuke and he knew he would if the raven made love to him. If he knew how Sasuke felt about him, he might be able to do this, but since he didn't know for sure he couldn't risk it.

"I want you," Sasuke demanded as he leaned over and brushed his lips across the nape of Naruto's neck. "Let me have you."

Naruto drew in a shaky breath and turned his head to look over his shoulder at Sasuke. 'You can do this,' he told himself. "I... I'll..." he started as he reached for Sasuke.

"Shhh," Sasuke said as his fingertips lingered over the plump lips. "I like your initiative, but I don't need you to take the lead every time." He rolled Naruto over onto his back and pulled his lower body high up on his thighs opening the golden body up for his gaze. "So beautiful," he said in appreciation.

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