CHAPTER 8: "Live A Little Sweet Pea" Part 1

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😇Taylor's POV😇

"I told we should not go in there but no Trystan wanted to live a little didn't he" I said mocking his words

"Oh bieng chased by the cops I kinda living."

"Yeah but going to jail isn't "

Okay maybe your a little of on what's happening right now. Well how about I speed you up. Leaving with this guy was one of the most terrible , exiting , weird thing ever

2 hours earlier

We walked out of the cafe and he pulled me towards the car that stood at the end of the street

"Wait if you had a car. Why did you steal my cab."

"Okay 1 you still hung u on that and 2  this is my cousin's car." He said as he opened the car door and offered me to sit in.

"Omg you can be a gentleman. This is a shock to my whole entire life"

"Very funny sweet pea but I can be a charmer  when I want to." He said starting the car. "But on this you'll have to be in my good side cause you'll  need me at the end of this day "

"Oh please I'd never need you "
How wrong I was.

"Okay we're on our way"

I turned on the radio and was blessed with song that hit me at my very soul. In the perfect place at the perfect time. Meant to be by Bebe Rexha

I was about to sing when I voice cut me of at my core

"Babe lay on back and relax kick your pretty feet up on my dash. No need to go nowhere fast. Let's enjoy write where we at." I was surprised at how  good he sounded it amazed me he was that good

"If it's meant to be. it'll be. It'll  be Baby just let be. So won't you ride with me ride with me. See where this thing goes." He looked at me giving me a knowing look

"I don't need to be so uptight.  But my heart been hurt a couple times. By a couple guys who didnt treat me right I gon lie I gon lie cause I'm tired of the fake show me What your made of love baby just let be." We sang together not carring who heard

We had been driving for about a half an hour now. And we had left the city we were now in the woods

"Did you bring me here to kill Me. I knew it. Never trust a cab stealer."

"No sweetheart you to cute to kill"

"Wow you get more annoying each day don't you."

"Yep" he said popping a p word

When we had Come to a stop. At that second he turned to me and said

"We need to walk from here. Come on"

Then we reached a barbed wired fence and he lifted me from the waist to go over the fence

"Isnt this illegal or something"

"Nope" He said popping another p as he went over after me

"So what is this mysterious place that you want to take me to."

"Just a special place now. Close your eyes for me sweet pea." He said holding my hand. I became tense at this sudden contact and relaxed a little after.

"Fine but if I trip on something you are dead"

He walked me a little further in and then I heard some leaves bieng pushed aside.

"Okay open your eyes." He said

"Oh my god this is so beautiful. How did you find this place?"

"My mom used to come here when she needed to think but in an of coincidence so did my dad they met right here and he proposed right here. My mom loved to tell the story to me before she died."

"I'm so sorry" I said surprised she put that out in the open for

"Just one part of my messed up life"

I was about to ask him what he meant but he spoke again

"Let's do this"

"Excuse me do what?"

"Skinny dip duh"


Hey so there you have it my friends of is a days hard work done hopefully

You enjoyed it peace

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The Nerd With glasses

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