9 ✔️

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My Little Flower Brother

Yoongi and Hoseok were both waiting at the entrance of the elementary school, their eldest brother nowhere to be found even at the canteen at their break times. Hoseok calmed down and thought of the situation over, heart dropping when he realized that something was wrong. Him liking flowers and rainbows were wrong. He has to be a man, someone who likes masculine things and not feminine ones. He has to be buff, strong and ungirly. 'Swag.' Hoseok wanted to do a gangster pose, but he couldn't help but wince in repulsion. 'Ew. Maybe not now... or ever.' He shook off that thought instead, twiddling his fingers as he tried hard to ignore the thoughts bugging in his mind ever since he arrived at school.

Yoongi had an earbud on his left ear, right ear reserved in case someone was talking to him (like Hoseok and some of his girl classmates). He has a bored look and his eyes were just staring at the wall in front of them, the rap music being a dull sound in his ear. "Should we call dad or..." Hoseok trailed off when he saw a flash of white, Namjoon's familiar silhouette running down the hallway, and Hoseok turned away instantly. Yoongi frowned and kicked his feet to the wall to stand up properly. Namjoon stopped in front of them, panting on his knees. "Is... appa here?" Namjoon almost wheezed, looking at Yoongi who shook his head slowly while looking at Namjoon's back. "Yah, is that—"

"Hobi." Said boy turned around with a frown as he looked at his. "I'm sorry about a while ago. Please accept this as my apology to you." Namjoon handed him an item that made Hoseok's eyes widen and a smile appear on his lips. A small bouquet of flowers. Hoseok grabbed the stems and smelled them with his eyes closed, liking how his hyung thought of giving him pretty flowers from the small field near their school.

Namjoon smiled. "Don't take my words awhile ago to heart, Hobi. I accept you for who you are, whether you like flowers or not, because you are my dongsaeng. And I'm sorry for hurting you." Hoseok hugged him tightly as soon as Namjoon finished, a sound of surprise escaping his lips. Yoongi chuckled when the eldest glanced at him before hugging back his dongsaeng.

Meanwhile, Jin's car appeared on the entrance, the father not honking his horn even though there were cars behind him. He smiled slightly at the sight of his eldest and third eldest making up finally, sighing as he finally dropped the plan of shoving Namjoon to his knees and—

"Hey! Move it!" A driver behind Jin yelled, catching the hyungs' attention (and the maknaes in the car). Jin narrowed his eyes and looked at the driver who was glaring at him. "Shut up! My kids just made up and you are being an ass!"

"Well good for you, now move!"

"Can you wait for a damn holy secon—"

"G-go go, appa!" Namjoon flashed into the seat along with the others as he briefly noticed who was in the car, quickly buckling his seatbelt and gestured his dad to drive. Jin still paid no mind and flipped the bird to the driver. Namjoon sunk into his seat when his father did that, a horrified expression on his face. "A-appa."


"T-that was Jinyoung's father."


"H-he was the one who invited me to his house and gave me those shirts."

"Oh." Jin's lips became a straight line, clearing his throat and putting his hands on the wheel. "Well." He blurted out and sighed heavily, shifting the gear. "Looks like Jinyoung needs to change his dad."


Hoseok was on the floor near the bed, diligently doing his assignments while humming an unknown tune. Namjoon and Yoongi seem to be nowhere in sight, so Hoseok got the entire room for himself. A small smile curled his lips the whole time, until the door opened and there appeared Namjoon.

With Hoseok's flower crown.

"You forgot something in the car." Namjoon crouched and gently placed the crown on top of Hoseok's head, who seemed to be frozen with his legs in the air. Namjoon fixed his hair slightly, before giving his brother a soft smile. "There. My little flower brother." Even though the eldest is still uncomfortable with the idea of feminine boys, he accepted his brother wholeheartedly. He cannot wait for how Hoseok will grow in the future.

Hoseok could only muster a shaky smile before quickly encasing his hyung in a tight hug. Tears were brimming his eyes, his heart feeling lighter than before and the weight seemed to be lifted off. "T-thank you, hyung." He croaked out, burying his face on his brother's neck as the crown shifted from his head.

"Don't thank me, Hobi-ah." Namjoon patted his back, comforting his brother's sobbing with the same smile on his lips. "I should thank you for being who you are, for being a strong and unique brother to us." Namjoon stated, peeking at the door to see Yoongi staring at them. "Never change, Hobi." Said boy shook his head, wiping his tears away. "I won't, hyung. In fact, I will always be my fabulous self." He confidently said, grinning with his rosy cheeks and sitting down on the floor crisscrossed as he gathered his completed assignments. "Where is Yoongi-hyung anyway?"

Yoongi was still on the doorway, quiet as a mouse while Namjoon looked at him weirdly. "He's—" Namjoon immediately shut up when Yoongi gestured him to hush, Hoseok's back turned while Yoongi went in quietly with a small basket on his hand.

"Hobi-ah." Yoongi called when he was finally behind his brother, grabbing the items on the basket before sprinkling it on top of Hoseok's head. Flower petals fall from above, making Hoseok giggle and watch them land on the carpet floor slowly. Yoongi started to throw more petals until there was no more, Hoseok trying to gather as much as he can with his small hands. The trio's heart felt so warm, as the flower boy's eyes became teary once again as he looks at his two brothers.

"Thank you, Yoongi-hyung, Joonie-hyung." Hoseok smiled tearfully, before throwing himself between the two of them into a hug.

As they shared a beautiful moment, Jin was watching them on the crack of the door. "T-those were my flowers." He silently cried, thinking about the flowers he planted weeks ago, only to be bald and dead on his garden.

Poor Jin.

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